Rep. Ilhan Omar’s latest anti-Semitic tweets: Israel supporters in Congress bought by Jewish money
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Rep. Ilhan Omar’s latest anti-Semitic tweets: Israel supporters in Congress bought by Jewish money

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s latest anti-Semitic tweets: Israel supporters in Congress bought by Jewish money

“It’s All About the Benjamins” from AIPAC and Sheldon Adelson

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is at it again.

On Sunday night, Omar tweeted that “It’s all about the Benjamins baby” when journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted out an article about how Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) wants to punish Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) over their anti-Semitic rhetoric.

“It’s All About the Benjamins” is a song from the mid-90s from Puff Daddy about having a ton of money.

Yeah, McCarthy doesn’t want to punish them over policy. It’s over anti-Semitic rhetoric that keeps coming from Omar and Tlaib. He brought up that the Republicans censured their own, Rep. Steve King, for his remarks that suggested he supported white supremacy.

When confronted with this, Omar tweeted this:

So…she says that The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is paying off the Republicans?! This is impossible, Congresswoman.

She also retweeted Harry Reid’s former Deputy Chief of Staff pointing to Sheldon Adelson as the culprit.

Past Tweets

Omar has a long history of anti-Semitic and controversial tweets.


Needless to say, her tweets sparked outrage on the social media platform.

Omar retweeted an American Jew who criticized Israel, but I guess she didn’t read the whole thing before she did that because he ended the tweet with “She might as well call us hook-nosed.”

The tweet even disgusted Chelsea Clinton.

Waking Up

Some lifelong Jewish Democrats, like Obama’s Ambassador to Israel, are waking up to the anti-Semitism growing in the Democratic Party, but it may be too late.


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Humphrey's Executor | February 11, 2019 at 9:14 am

Is she trolling to draw criticism so she can play the “Islamophobia card; or, is she just a bigoted idiot? Her retweet of a that highly critical tweet suggests the latter.

There is no point for Republicans to keep punishing the Joe Wilsons and Steve Kings when their comments are misrepresented. Everyone knows what they meant and they were right. This is just plain bald-faced and hateful bigotry.

We MUST go after these bigots and stop the RINOs from their knee-jerk habit of “purging” our side. It’s about the narrative and this constant barrage of lies is how they control the narrative.

Our Congress has become a very bad joke.

    Chicklet in reply to Anonamom. | February 11, 2019 at 10:10 am

    It’s been in the making for a generation now, and the leftists are starting to get some fruit on their tree.

    First, introduce huge groups of totally foreign populations into unlikely areas like Minnesota and smaller rust-belt cities, buy up the housing, pack ’em in, give ’em welfare till you have enough “voters” to elect a representative.

    Now we have ‘little Mogadishus’ in many states and it’ll get worse before it gets better. It’s not going to stop by chasing after Omar, while there’s time the immigration and refugee issues need to be completely re-examined.

Prosecute her for her immigration fraud, strip her of citizenship, and ship her corrupt ass back to Somalia.

    TrickyRicky in reply to Observer. | February 11, 2019 at 9:53 am


    Milhouse in reply to Observer. | February 11, 2019 at 3:19 pm

    First of all, what immigration fraud? There’s no evidence whatsoever that she engaged in any. The idea that her sham marriage to her brother was for this purpose is pure speculation, with no foundation at all.

    But even if it were true and could be proved, she could be prosecuted for it, but it could not possibly affect her citizenship. She was validly naturalized, so she is a citizen, and US citizenship cannot be revoked involuntarily, no matter what crimes she may have committed afterwards.

      tom_swift in reply to Milhouse. | February 11, 2019 at 6:22 pm

      She was validly naturalized, so she is a citizen, and US citizenship cannot be revoked involuntarily, no matter what crimes she may have committed afterwards.

      This is incorrect. Denatualization is indeed possible, albeit rare.

        Milhouse in reply to tom_swift. | February 12, 2019 at 2:43 am

        No, it is not possible. Once someone is validly naturalized that’s it; no backsies. Of course if someone is not validly naturalized then they are not citizens in the first place; it’s neither necessary nor possible to revoke their citizenship, it’s only necessary to prove that this is in fact the case. Cf Rasmiah Odeh; she finally admitted that she lied both in her visa application to get in to the USA and in her application for naturalization, therefore she was never a citizen and could be deported. Had she not done so she would have been a citizen, and could not lose that status without her free and willing consent, no matter what else was discovered about her, or what she did.

Normally, you could get away with this being a “money in politics” issue. But given that she has basically accused Jews of being shape shifters, almost any trope she says should be taken as classical and hardcore antisemitism. If anyone else is playing antisemite Bingo with me, I just need a Justice Democrat to imply Jews poisoned the well for a bingo. Did Rasheeda Tahlib ever blame Flint on them?

If this keeps up, the Dems might have to get by with only 65% of the Jewish vote.

As noted, Omar is not simply voicing reasonable policy disagreements, but rabid Jew hate. And why not? She’s an Islamist. It’s central to that brutal, unforgiving ideology.

Most of us have read the numerous verses in their koran which undergird their vocal – and often violent – Jew hate.

And the people who elected her weren’t ignorant of her ideology because many probably share her Islamist inspired Jew hate. As proof, is there any evidence from that district to recall Omar from Congress? I didn’t think so.

Our Constitution was designed to defend religious liberty for all religions – despite Leftists openly wiping their backside with it.

There is no religious liberty in Islam; quite the opposite. As such,  Islam is incompatible with classically liberal western democracy, and this Omar woman proves the point almost daily.

    The Left hates this country as it is. Yet what this country really is that has allowed them to flourish. Under Islam they would be crushed into the dirt…usually 6 feet under. Cultures and other societies are not all equal. Take away western civilization and the battle really swings in Islam’s favor. The Left may be the last to see their mistakes but that will not save them.

    Thank you for referring to it as an ideology.
    An oppressive, supremacist, tyrannical ideology.

    And the people who elected her weren’t ignorant of her ideology

    You are wrong. Most of them were ignorant of it, because the Star Tribune and other MN news media hid it from them.

    As proof, is there any evidence from that district to recall Omar from Congress?

    Excuse me? To do what? What is “recall”? There is no such thing. And if you didn’t know that you shouldn’t comment on the topic.

    Our Constitution was designed to defend religious liberty for all religions

    Including Islam. The founders consciously had it in mind and several of them explicitly wrote so. So even if “Islam is incompatible with classically liberal western democracy”, Moslems cannot be excluded from public office on that basis.

      I like you, Milhouse. You amuse me. But being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian is not a sound argument.

      An explanation of Minnesota recall elections can be found here:

      While it’s true the U.S. Constitution forbids a religious test for office (something the Senate Judiciary Committee ignores, as of late), there’s nothing that forbids the electorate from imposing its own religious test for office by simply not voting for a candidate who adheres to an objectionable, intolerant ideology.

      The 5th district in Minnesota was previously represented by Keith ‘smack her around a bit’ Ellison, a democrat and a muslim. It’s currently represented by Ilhan Omar, a democrat and a muslim. Who didn’t know her ideology when they elected her to congress?

      Like I said, being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian is not a sound argument. Try again.

        No, locomotivebreath, there is no such thing as recalling a federal elected official, in Minnesota or anywhere else. It makes no difference what the MN constitution says; Omar was not elected under that constitution, does not hold office under it, and its authors had no authority to say anything about her tenure in office. The US constitution was written before anyone thought of recall elections, does not provide for them, and that is the end of the matter. Any attempt by MN to hold a purported recall election would be blatantly unconstitutional and would be immediately forbidden by the courts.

        Who didn’t know her ideology? Everyone who relied for their information on the Star Tribune and other mainstream media, that’s who. Including most of the many Jewish voters in her district. Had they known they would have voted for her main rival in the primary, Margaret Kelliher. The Strib deliberately sat on what it knew about her, in order to help her.

I’m hopeful that she’s one of these types who just can’t help themselves, continuing to reveal, reveal, reveal the major tenets of Islam.

America will eventually learn all about Islam. The question is whether that happens after the Muslims have made all their inroads into American culture and institutions to cause irreversible rot, or before that.

Oh boy – was it with my state and these anti-semite democrats from the 5th. There is zero chance of anything other than a dem in this district – usually any D will carry a 40+ point victory. Maybe just someone that isn’t a hateful bigot will do?

    Milhouse in reply to Mr. Sammler. | February 11, 2019 at 3:31 pm

    Yes, the D will always win this district, but the real election was the D primary. There were several halfway-reasonable candidates, and had the Jewish voters in the district known about her attitude to them and to Israel they would have supported her main opponent. But the Star Tribune refused to report the truth about her, so many Jews thought they could demonstrate their open-mindedness by voting for her.

People are so easily distracted.

Look, this is politics in the 21st Century. All politicians play to their political base. In Omar’s case that is an anti-Semitic, Muslim constituency. So, she has to keep playing to that constituency. She does this via Twitter, the new means of political intercourse. She also uses it to attempt to increase her influence and power by gaining similar supporters outside the district which she represents. What Omar and AOC represent are the NEW Democrats. These are elected officials who gained their office without the help of the Party and are not controlled by the Party leadership. They are loose cannons, who do more harm to the aims of the Party than they do to advance those aims.

Interestingly, Omar would have stood NO chance of being elected in a Muslim country; being female.

    Milhouse in reply to Mac45. | February 11, 2019 at 3:33 pm

    Interestingly, Omar would have stood NO chance of being elected in a Muslim country; being female.

    There are plenty of female politicians in Moslem countries.

First rule of American politics: vote Democrat, get Democrat.

It could be just me but I expect she will be re-elected multiple times until she becomes a millionaire many times over at the sap-taxpayers expense. Nothing else will happen to her.

Ummm … about 70% of American Jews vote Democrat.

I’m going to make an educated guess that thus about 70% of Jewish voters’ campaign donations go to Democrats.

So, the Republicans’ principled defense of Israel is in their financial interest exactly how?

The vast majority of Republicans are pro-Israel. It makes sense for their representatives to represent this.

    My guess is that this is part of the anti-establishment strategy for the commie take-over of the Democratic party. The party has little chance of beating Trump in 2020 and its leadership is controlled by geriatrics. Obama gutted the party power structure over his 8 years. They are organized to finish the job.

    So that renders both the NeverTrump RINO establishment and Dem establishment acolytes without a party. The commies are down to betting against hope that Trump will either be impeached or the economy will collapse.

    I wonder if the Democrat voters even have a clue. This is the result of “hold your nose” voting for the “lesser of two evils”. Very bad habit.

    Milhouse in reply to LukeHandCool. | February 11, 2019 at 3:35 pm

    Ummm … about 70% of American Jews vote Democrat.

    I’m going to make an educated guess that thus about 70% of Jewish voters’ campaign donations go to Democrats.

    This doesn’t follow at all. It may happen be true, but if so it’s only by accident.

The Democrat Party must have been really hard up for candidates during the last election. And yet, their leadership is still busy throwing tantrums.