Planned Parenthood Will Continue to Support Women’s March
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Planned Parenthood Will Continue to Support Women’s March

Planned Parenthood Will Continue to Support Women’s March

Apparently hatred for Trump is more important than tackling anti-Semitism and racism.

To the shock of no one, Planned Parenthood has decided to continue supporting the Women’s March despite the overwhelming evidence that leaders Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory are anti-Semitic and worship Louis Farrakhan. After all, Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood as a way to cleanse the world of undesirables.

However, if you look closely at the statement, you’ll find that Planned Parenthood sounds confused by trying to deflect the attention away from the Women’s March and place it on President Donald Trump’s administration.

Planned Parenthood told Refinery29:

“Over the last two years, we’ve seen unprecedented attacks on our health and rights from the Trump-Pence administration. The Women’s March has become a symbol of our collective resistance to these damaging and discriminatory policies and Planned Parenthood is proud to once again, join our progressive partners for the #WomensWave mobilization to protect and advance the progress we’ve made as a movement dedicated to equity and justice for all people. As a health care provider, we have a responsibility to stand up for our patients and continue to fight for their rights. We must also unequivocally reaffirm, as the Women’s March leadership has, that there is no place for anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia, or any kind of bigotry in our communities, our progressive movement, and our country. We will continue to work with the Women’s March to hold ourselves and each other accountable to the Unity Principles that are the basis of our partnership.”

Oh my goodness shut up. You’re still receiving federal funding and abortion is still legal. Plus, if you look at the Unity Principles, you’ll notice that it does not mention Jewish women, white women, and Christian women.

The leaders only brought up anti-Semitism because people specifically ask them about it. Without any prompting, anti-Semitism and Jewish heritage is never mentioned.

I find it interesting the statement only touched on the Women’s March. Instead the infanticide organization concentrated on Trump’s administration and another feminist movement.

Is that because the support for the Women’s March isn’t all that clear? Refinery29 spoke to Planned Parenthood after Tablet’s explosive investigation in November and never got a clear statement:

The announcement appears to follow weeks of internal discussion at Planned Parenthood about the organization’s future involvement with the Women’s March. When Refinery29 first asked Wen about the controversies and whether it would remain a partner and sponsor of the Women’s March during a Nov. 30 interview, a spokeswoman interjected and said she would need to follow up with additional information to avoid speaking out of turn. After that interview, that spokeswoman said she was not able to provide an update on the record. On Dec. 12, ahead of publishing the full interview with Wen, Refinery29 contacted the spokeswoman to ask if a decision had been made. That spokeswoman called and asked to speak off-the-record about the organization’s plan. Less than an hour later, after learning in a subsequent call that Refinery29 intended to write a separate piece on any updates regarding Planned Parenthood’s future involvement in the Women’s March, the spokeswoman declined to provide an on-the-record comment. “It turns out we’ve gotten a lot of requests on this, so we’re planning to push out a full statement with a lot more context,” she wrote in an email, adding that the comment would be likely issued “a bit later today than 3:30.” Despite multiple phone and email inquiries from Refinery on Wednesday, the spokeswoman declined to comment further on the record. On Thursday afternoon, after Refinery29 informed Planned Parenthood of its plans to publish both the Q-and-A and a separate article on the Women’s March relationship, a different spokesperson called and emailed a response.

It’s almost like Planned Parenthood wants to stick with the Women’s March, but had to find a way to phrase a statement to make it seem like it doesn’t align itself with the anti-Semitic views of Sarsour and Mallory.

So what’s more important, Planned Parenthood? Anti-Semitism, racism, and division or showing up the Trump administration?

At least others have decided that anti-Semitism is enough to distance themselves away from the Women’s March no matter how much they despise Trump’s administration.

The Women’s March lost funding from the National Organization for Women while the Baton Rouge chapter of NOW canceled the New Orleans march.

The Washington state chapter of the Women’s March closed last month. The Chicago chapter decided to cancel its march in January.

Actresses Alyssa Milano and Debra Messing, two of the loudest opponents of the Trump administration, said they will not support the Women’s March over anti-Semitism within the leadership. Rosanna Arquette tweeted the same thing.

We must also remind everyone that Sarsour adores terrorist Rasmea Odeh, the woman who bombed an Israeli supermarket in 1969 and killed two Jewish boys. Odeh was also convicted of trying to bomb the British Consulate that same year.

[Featured image via YouTube]


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notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | January 3, 2019 at 2:52 pm

“Planned Murder” …..

….is their name from here on out!

Selective-child and cannibalized-child.

Well, women are beasts of “burden” (hat tip Obama), without choice (or two choices too late), without franchise, without morality, and Planned Parenthood offers them the wicked solution.

I clearly recall the hero worship bestowed upon the arab “freedom fighter” who murdered an Israeli baby in a stroller. Baby killers at PP are doing him one better…they sell the parts for profit.

Whenever it’s a trade-off between principles and power, you always know which one a liberal will take.

We do what we want. — Planned Parenthood

Nothing to do with Trump, and everything to do with totalitarianism.

Our nation is imploding

You expect morality from people whose mission is to murder babies. I’m not sure if you’re serious or not.

According to the Tablet article on the Women’s March (, Planned Parenthood has been funding the group, and Bob Bland claims to have raised money for them through the sale of her “Nasty Women” T-shirts.
They have an investment in Womens’ March.