Mike Bloomberg’s 2020 Presidential Campaign Plan: Climate Change and Gun Control
“No successful presidential campaign has ever been anchored to those issues.”

Former Republican and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg is likely to run for president as a Democrat in 2020. Being a wealthy, white male puts him at an automatic disadvantage in this contest, but he has a plan to compensate for his privilege.
He’s going to push climate change and gun control.
Marc Caputo reports at Politico:
How Bloomberg plans to create his own lane in 2020
White. Male. Old. A Wall Street billionaire.
At first glance, Michael Bloomberg would seem to have zero appeal in a Democratic Party where progressive populism is on the rise and activists and elites say it’s time for a woman or a person of color to win the White House.
But unlike any of the other presidential hopefuls, Bloomberg plays a dominant leadership role on two of the top issues on the minds of progressives heading into the 2020 cycle: climate change and gun control. He’s spent a decade as the nation’s preeminent financier on those issues, buying considerable goodwill in progressive circles. If he runs, those familiar with his thinking say, they’ll be the pillars of his campaign.
No successful presidential campaign has ever been anchored to those issues. But the politics surrounding climate change and gun control have changed dramatically in recent years, and nowhere more than in the Democratic Party. In a splintered field where the former New York mayor’s message would be reinforced by a theme of governing competence and private sector success, those close to him believe Bloomberg could find traction despite his seemingly awkward fit.
Like almost all other Democrats, Bloomberg is putting a lot of faith in the ideas touted by the new super-lefties in Congress:
Bloomberg is polling and collecting “data,” the source said, and climate change and guns are “going to drive Democrats to the polls.” The politics of climate change have been front and center with the opening of the new Congress as Democrats discuss making a “Green New Deal.”
Bloomberg’s top boosters insist he hasn’t made up his mind yet about running. He’ll make an official announcement within a month.
If he decides to run, Bloomberg told reporters in Iowa last month, he would make climate change “the issue.”
Guns won’t be far behind.
It’s going to be fun to watch Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders do their usual routine about evil billionaires while potentially sharing the debate stage with Bloomberg.
Bloomberg’s candidacy could also have a few hurdles from his time as NYC mayor to overcome with the party’s base.
Theodore Bunker writes at Newsmax:
Stop-and-Frisk May Pose a Problem for Bloomberg in 2020
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg could have a problem should he decide to run for president in 2020 over the “stop-and-frisk” policy he supported, CNN reports.
“I can’t stand up here and tell you every decision I have made as mayor was perfect,” Bloomberg, who recently re-registered as a Democrat, told attendees at a breakfast honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, hosted by Rev. Al Sharpton and the National Action Network.
“I listened to concerns, and I tried to be responsive,” the former mayor continued. “But I can tell you that we were always guided by the goal, first and foremost in all cases, of saving lives of those who faced the greatest risk of gun violence, young men of color, and by cutting murders in half I am glad to say some 1,600 people are alive today who otherwise would not be and most are young men from black and Hispanic communities.”
Featured image via YouTube.

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I’ve said it before and still believe that Michael Bloomberg is the most dangerous man in American Politics today. He’s a liberal activist with political experience and money. He’s tasted power and wants more, this time on the world’s largest stage.
How Bloomberg plans to create his own lane in 2020
Yeah, you ever notice the lanes on the highway that say “EXIT ONLY”?
Just add the word “EARLY”, and that’s his lane.
“Former Republican and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg…”
That would be “Former Democrat, former Republican, former Independent, current Democrat and former New York City Mayor…”. FIFY
Old white male capitalist running in a communist anti-white anti-male stampede. Yep. That’s the ticket. Shoo-in.
Going for the moderate Democrat vote and those scared shitless of the new Socialist Democrats.
No election has had this many millennials voting as the upcoming presidential election. Guns and climate change have been brain washed into their minds. Those two issues are intended to get the millennials to overlook that Bloomberg isn’t Bernie.
Well, at least he tells the truth, he wants to disarm the public before the oppression and taxation of the poor starts! I guess that “stop & frisk” thing was just the first step…
At least I’ll know what liquids i can drink and food to eat. I have been lost at dinner time without instructions from Dear Leader and her husband.
Bloomberg was never a Republican. He was a Democrat who chose to bypass a crowded Democratic primary with four strong and well-funded candidates, and instead run in a Republican primary where the only other candidate was the barely-funded and easy-to-beat Herman Badillo.
Thank goodness Al Gore, with all his ridiculous climate hysteria, proved that climate change is just a big hoax to scare the ignorant masses into giving up more of their freedoms to government. Bloomberg plans to continue with the brain washing.
“No successful presidential campaign has ever been anchored to those issues.”
Bloomberg will continue that tradition.
I live in San Antonio, Texas, and a substantial portion of the attendees at gun shows here are Hispanics, a traditional Democratic voting block. It will be interesting to see if they vote for a billionaire huero from New York who wants to take their guns.