Why Hasn’t the Outrage Mob Come for Mika Brzezinski?

In April of this year, Laura Ingraham of FOX News faced a full-blown boycott campaign for being mildly critical of David Hogg. Just last week, comedian Kevin Hart lost his gig as host of the Oscars when the media dredged up gay jokes he made on Twitter years ago.

Yesterday, Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, used a gay slur to describe Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Where is the angry mob?

Why does Mika get a pass?

David Rutz of the Washington Free Beacon has details:

Brzezinski Blasts Pompeo Over Response to Khashoggi Murder: He’s Like a ‘Wannabe Dictator’s Buttboy’MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski angrily called Secretary of State Mike Pompeo a “wannabe dictator’s buttboy” on Wednesday in criticism of his response to Saudi Arabian crown prince Mohammed bin Salman’s reported role in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.Pompeo appeared on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday, where he toed the Trump administration’s line on the murder, saying it was unclear what role the crown prince played and touting the importance of the relationship between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.”The murder of Jamal Khashoggi was a tragic incident. It was heinous. It is not something America approves of,” he said. “But America has an important ally in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”…”I understand that Donald Trump doesn’t care … But why doesn’t Mike Pompeo care right now?” she asked. “Are the pathetic deflections that we just heard when he appeared on Fox and Friends, is that a patriot speaking, or a wannabe dictator’s buttboy? I’m dead serious. I’m asking, are these the words of a patriot?”

Here’s the video:

Mika later addressed the comment with an “oops” on Twitter:

Richard Grennell responded:

So did Donald Trump Jr.:

Joe Concha, media reporter for The Hill is probably right about this:

This is not an isolated incident on MSNBC, either. In June, MSNBC’s Joy Reid came under fire for homophobic content on her own blog, which she denied writing.

We are living in a time of blatant double standards. People on the left get away with things that are more outrageous than anything that would be tolerated from anyone on the right.

Does anyone believe Mika’s apology would be accepted if she worked at FOX News?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Media Bias, Mika Brzezinski, Mike Pompeo, Morning Joe, MSNBC, Richard Grenell