The Ten Most Outrageous Higher Ed Stories From 2018

2018 was another year full of crazy happenings on campus. So many in fact, that it was difficult to narrow the list down to just ten. Some of these stories are beyond parody.

This wasn’t social justice, it was just plain old justice.

10. Antifa Leader Ordered by Judge to Pay $11,000 to College Republicans Leader

This tactic didn’t work, so Democrats moved on.

9. Unable to Defeat Trump at the Polls, Dems Enlist Yale Psych Prof to Diagnose Him Mentally Unfit

Jordan Peterson brings out the crazy in the campus left.

8. College Students in Canada Smash Windows at Jordan Peterson Speech: ‘Burn it Down!’

SJWs pretty much run this school.

7. Reed College Changing Humanities Course to Please Social Justice Warriors

It’s insane that this was even discussed.

6. Student Activists Lose Battle to Remove Thomas Jefferson Statue From Hofstra


5. College Students Not Mailing Absentee Ballots Because They Don’t Know Where to Buy Stamps

This was funny and sad.

4. Academics Expose Corruption in ‘Grievance Studies’ by Getting Absurd Papers Published

To the safe space!

3. Survey Finds Many College Students Experienced PTSD-Like Symptoms After 2016 Election

Obama level worship.

2. Progressive Sole: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Shoes to be Displayed in Exhibit at Cornell

Yes. Yes, we are.

1. “We’re all in gender studies 101 now”

2019, here we come.

Tags: College Insurrection