Hoaxed: Goucher College Black Student Arrested for Racist Graffiti
Student protesters blamed Trump: “White supremacists are getting pretty bold now with Donald Trump as president.”

A minority student at Goucher College in Maryland has been arrested following the revelation that he was behind racist graffiti recently discovered on campus. Just yesterday, we covered a similar incident at Drake University in Iowa.
Megan Sheets reports at the Daily Mail:
Black college lacrosse player, 21, is arrested for spraying N-word and swastika graffiti targeting HIMSELF and other minority students in two incidents that terrorized the campus
A black college lacrosse player has been arrested in connection with two incidents of racist graffiti found in a dorm on the Goucher College campus in Maryland.
Fynn Ajani Arthur, a 21-year-old from Brunswick, Maine, was charged with two counts of malicious destruction of property on Thursday night in Baltimore County.
His arrest came after graffiti aimed at black and Latino students was found on the second floor of a campus dorm, one floor above where similar graffiti had been found on November 14, Goucher College administrators said in a statement.
Both incidents that shook the Towson campus involved backward swastikas and targeted specific individuals, according to the statement.
Thursday’s graffiti depicted swastikas, the letters ‘KKK’ and appeared to include the last names of four black students, including Arthur. The previous graffiti reportedly said all ‘n*****s’ on campus would be killed.
Here is Arthur’s booking photo:
#BCoPD makes arrest in 2 incidents of threatening racially biased graffiti @gouchercollege. 21 yr old student Fynn Arthur charged & held without bail. Details: https://t.co/aGxFPdsFKM ^JzP pic.twitter.com/lyE6oPKj2P
— Baltimore County Police Department (@BaltCoPolice) November 30, 2018
WBALTV has more:
Baltimore County police said Fynn Arthur, 21, of Brunswick, Maine, has been arrested in connection with the racist graffiti. He faces two counts of malicious destruction of property. Police said Arthur, who is biracial, confessed to writing racially charged graffiti…
Arthur’s parents told the judge this behavior is totally out of character.
“I’m not sure I understand this case. Is he clamoring for attention?” the judge asked.
“We are surprised by this. He has not exhibited this type of behavior,” Arthur’s parents said.
Arthur is a public health and biology major who classmates said is on the lacrosse team. He is one semester away from graduating. Goucher banned him from campus and will hold a discipline hearing on the case. The judge released Arthur on his own recognizance to his parents.
Some classmates find it hard to believe that Arthur is responsible because they know him.
“I’m still in shock right now. I’m just processing everything with friends and my community here,” said Nailah Jones, a student.
Just as we saw at Drake University, Goucher College students responded to this incident with a protest before it was known to be a hoax.
Catherine Rentz reports at the Baltimore Sun:
African-American Goucher College students respond to racist graffiti, threat with ‘Black Out’
More than 100 African-American Goucher College students conducted what they termed a “Black Out” on the Towson campus all day Friday to protest the most recent episode of hate-filled graffiti at a Maryland school.
“Hey hey, ho ho, this racist s— has got to go,” they chanted in the Mary Fisher dining hall…
“We are demonstrating today to ask Goucher to be accountable,” said JaVaunte Neumann, 21, a junior majoring in political science. “I’ve seen white supremacy be tolerated. Now, students are angry. White supremacists are getting pretty bold now with Donald Trump as president. We are at the point where we can’t wait for the administration or Baltimore County Police.”
Here’s a video report on one of the demonstrations:
American colleges and universities may want to consider making “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” required reading for all incoming freshmen.
Featured image via YouTube.

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So is he racist or a self hating black? Is this like black social cannibalism? Will there be protests against him? Where on the liberals racism spectrum does he fall?
Our readers want to know!
“Police said Arthur, who is biracial, confessed to writing racially charged graffiti…”
He’s conflicted …
His genetic makeup has something to do with his inability to pull this off.
Judging from his photo, I’m guessing some “journalist” somewhere will run with the notion that he’s a “white black,’ a la George Zimmerman.
America: the land where ‘hate’ crimes are so pervasive, they must be faked.
Muslims doing the same thing.
Diversity (e.g. racism, color judgment) is politically congruent (PC).
From my Guide to Progressive Speak ( https://www.unshackledaction.com/progressive-speak ):
“Hate Crime” – Something progressives think conservatives do all the time. Conservatives rarely commit hate crimes, but progressives know conservatives want to. As a result, progressives are forced to commit hate crimes on behalf of conservatives.
Isn’t it Trump’s fault. It’s always Trump’s fault. He was the last Republican I wanted to get the nomination and I was completely wrong. He is the only Republican with the guts to fight this crap and not surrender to left.
Kind of like their version of gender identity.
If you want it to be true, it is.
Don’t confuse them with the facts.
“”Hey hey, ho ho, this racist s— has got to go,’ they chanted in the Mary Fisher dining hall…”
College students, and this is the best chant they can come up with! This is what you get when students are passed when they ought to be held back grade or two.
As long as these young idiots have “Hey, hey, ho, ho” to lean on, they’re ready for any “outrage”, any time.
Somebody remind me: When was the last time that one of these incidents WASN’T a hoax?
Depends on what you mean by “hoax”.
This incident, for instance, wasn’t a hoax, exactly; the guy did write the graffiti and they were found by others and reported. It’s not like he reported them himself. But it’s still hoaxy because it probably wasn’t motivated by the sentiments expressed, but was an attempt to stir up hatred of the peopel we were supposed to think were the culprits. So let’s call that a hoax too.
But take the antisemitic graffiti and synagogue fires set by that Polite guy here in Brooklyn a few weeks ago. Or the swastikas that were left around Long Island around the time of the 2016 election. Those weren’t hoaxes, they were genuine expressions of antisemitism. The only supposedly “surprising” thing was that the antisemites were not white supremacists or Trump supporters; this surprised nobody who is aware that the major reservoir of antisemitism in America today is in the black community (though the LI swastika guy was Indian, which is surprising).
It is a HOAX because he did this and allowed people to believe it was a WHITE student who did this – actually by choosing what he wrote, he almost GUARANTEED that interpretation be made!!!
It is a HOAX, just like a black professor hanging a noose on his/her office door handle to enrage, to get the campus angry and encourage racial tension.
It is a HOAX, just like a student claiming he made a “clock” when he intentionally created a bomb-like device and took it to school knowing, as a Muslim, he would be accused of bringing a weapon to school…and he could claim discrimination/profiling because of his religion/ethnicity.
This a good summary I found by Googling “race hoax college” : https://www.foxnews.com/us/hate-crimes-and-hoaxes-10-campus-stories-debunked-in-2017
This, sir, is a perfect example of a race/racial HOAX.
Bullsh*t. Every word of that is a stupid lie invented by you and your fellow bigots and only believed in your swamps. There is not a shred of evidence for it, and every normal person in the world who hears it laughs at it, and at you for believing it.
The second case is indeed a hoax. The alleged victim did it herself, and then reported it. That’s what a hoax is.
This case is not really a hoax, but it is, as I already wrote, and it is disgustingly dishonest of you to ignore it, hoaxy, because it purports to have been motivated by certain sentiments, and it probably wasn’t.
But many such cases are not hoaxes at all. They are real crimes, either not stating any motive, in which case if people suspect one that turns out not to be true that’s their problem, not the culprit’s, or else they state the correct motive, and again if people jump to a conclusion about the perpetrator and turn out to be wrong that’s their problem. Your mistake about the motive and/or the culprit’s identity does not make it a hoax.
Perfect example: the church burnings in 1994/95. Every one of those cases was a real arson, not a hoax. That certain irresponsible agitators ignored the white churches burned, zeroed in on the black ones, and speculated that there was some gang of white supremacists committing all these arsons, did not turn the arsons themselves into hoaxes.
Most of these scams are about extracting more concessions out of the rest of us. Our response should be to end all affirmative action, let everyone compete solely based on merit.
I thought it would be obvious from context that I was referring only to “hate graffiti” involving the particular segment of society described in the article, and not those “societally approved” targets, like Jews and white males. Your overly restrictive definition of “hoax” may allow you to exercise your superiority complex, but it’s still incorrect and just makes you seem obtuse.
Diversity (e.g. racism) or color judgment.
That could be Obamas son.
He’s already got job offers from CNN to write news stories for them.
Not enough racism for these SJW to gain power so they have gin up fake racism.
Video reports are so informative- look at the dean vowing to deal with the hate crime aggressively, and look at the classmate saying he’s afraid for his life.
Now, you’ve found out it’s your own student/classmate/buddy who has gotten his 15 minutes of fame and then some. Just a few months shy of graduation, and doesn’t even know what a real swastika looks like- how oppressed is young Fynn again?
Sounds like a case for expulsion, don’t ya think??
It’s a pity that there is such a demand for hate crimes to be outraged over and so few non-minorities willing to hate anyone. It’s almost as if microaggressions just aren’t cutting it any more, they need real aggressions or people just don’t care.
This is the problem, White America just isn’t willing to commit enough hate crimes for the news and grievance mongers. This is what you get when you elevate ‘victimhood’ over actual achievement.
I’m a bit unclear on this—
His arrest came after graffiti aimed at black and Latino students was found on the second floor of a campus dorm
. . .
Thursday’s graffiti depicted swastikas, the letters ‘KKK’ and appeared to include the last names of four black students, including Arthur.
Where’s the “Latino” connection? Is this just a feeble attempt to whip up some “Rainbow Coalition” interest?
This is also a bit counterproductive—
I’m still in shock right now. I’m just processing everything with friends and my community here
“Friends” and “community”? To understand society at large somebody really should get out of his little Black Supremacist bubble.
And a semantic quibble—
Goucher College students responded to this incident with a protest before it was known to be a hoax.
Hoax? The vandalism, graffiti, and blatant racism were real. The implied “let’s pin it on the crackers” thing is a hoax, but I doubt that anybody’s too upset about that part. Certainly the crackers aren’t such snowflakes that they’d give a hoot.
There are too many colleges. The US has over four thousand of them, and most only become newsworthy when an epidemic of stupidity breaks out.
So . . . what’s the phrase for the student version of a “diversity hire”?
re: ““I’ve seen white supremacy be tolerated. Now, students are angry. White supremacists are getting pretty bold now with Donald Trump as president. We are at the point where we can’t wait for the administration or Baltimore County Police.””
Ignorant racist black isn’t interested in any ‘truth’, just wants to go out and lynch a few ‘white supremacists’. That’s translated as anyone with white skin. THESE are college educated people, fully indoctrinated to respond to any supposed whistle or bell. Being contemplative or thoughtful is not in their skill set.
Fake but true, in the minds of these morons.
They get away with this because of the childish demeanor of such as the judge who does not see the danger of racial inflammation, but rather seeks to excuse the behavior or the perp.
The political reasoning here is, “It’s fake, but it could have been true, therefore it can be treated as though it is true.”
And so long as there’s a political payoff for such hoaxes, they can be expected to continue.
Whereas a reasonable response would be to treat this student just as one would treat any student who (for whatever reason and whatever motivation) graffitied swastikas, KKK, etc. on campus.
It may be that some people who have cried “racism” don’t really want diversity and inclusion, because it makes them responsible for their own success or failure. “Racism” lets them fall back into the enabling arms of victim-hood.
What we call life, they blame on racism. Not everything goes your way.
I hope this kid just made himself unemployable. After a quick Internet search this should pop up and perspective employers will know to run the other way.
Oh my… that top photo.
It’s a hoax, full stop, or he is mentally ill. He included himself, by name and dorm room number, in his vandal scrawls as “target” of the “hate.” he portrayed himself falsely as a victim of crime om campus that he committed.
Kids who do this usually have secondary gain as a “fixer” or need some excuse to get out of a jam, e.g, academic underperformance, or a looming deadline that can’t be met, or to deflect some other anticipated image-busting calamity…. OR they have a serious mental disorder.
Pathetic…. If they are attempting to represent Libya’s flag, they are holding it upside down.