Another Hoax: Racist Notes Found at Drake University Were Written by the ‘Victim’
“Do you guys understand how serious this is? This is a threat on lives.”

Three weeks ago, all hell broke loose on the Iowa campus of Drake University when a black student claimed to receive racist notes telling her to leave campus. Now it has been discovered that she was the author of the notes.
KIWA Radio News reports:
Drake University Racist Note “Victim” Admits Writing Note Herself
Des Moines Police say one of the alleged victims of a racist note found at Drake University actually wrote it herself.
Two female Drake University students reported on November 15th that they had received harassing, racist notes that were slid under their dorm room door. The same students reported receiving a third note of similar nature on November 28th.
Des Moines Police say detectives and Drake University officials have determined that the third note was written by one of the alleged victims — an 18 year old female Drake University student. The student has admitted to being responsible for this note.
Kathy A, Bolten of the Des Moines Register has more:
Drake University officials: Four of the five racist notes found on campus were hoaxes
An 18-year-old Drake University student is responsible for four of five racist notes found in residence halls and now faces criminal charges, school officials said.
The student admitted to writing one of the notes, officials said. She also reported receiving at least one of the notes, officials said.
A Drake spokesman said officials are confident the four notes reported by the female student were hoaxes. A fifth note, received by a different student in early November, is not connected to the other four notes, now considered copycats, officials said.
The student responsible for four of the notes faces harassment charges, said Sgt. Paul Parizek, Des Moines police spokesman.
The student will also be subject to the disciplinary process outlined in Drake’s Code of Student Conduct, which may result in actions up to and including expulsion, Drake spokesman Jarad Bernstein said.
When news first broke about the notes, the campus exploded in outrage. A rally of thousands of students took place on campus to denounce the hate.
This report from Kathy A. Bolten was published by the Des Moines Register on November 14th:
‘My life’s in danger here,’ Drake University student tells thousands at rally against racism
Speaker after speaker thanked the thousands of people who showed up Wednesday at a Drake University rally to support minority students and oppose recent racist actions on campus.
But Drake senior Maleigha Williams pointedly prodded the crowd of mostly students to reflect on what they would do in the days and weeks that follow.
“Why do you only show up in times of crisis?” asked Williams, president of the Coalition of Black Students. “Why do you only come when someone asks you to?
“Do you guys understand how serious this is? This is a threat on lives.”
Students and faculty also demonstrated by painting one of the streets on campus black. And then a familiar thing happened, demands were issued. WHOTV reports:
Drake Students, Faculty and Staff Paint ‘Painted Street’ Black Following Racist Incidents
“The students here have expressed that by doing this they feel seen, they feel heard and they feel valued. And they know that even though the people who have committed these acts over the last week have tried to sow division and discord and try to tell people they aren’t welcome here. This act today lets people know that every one of our students is welcome here,” Drake Director of Student Engagement, Equity and Inclusion Tony Tyler said.
Students didn’t stop there. They also made up a list of four demands:
– A request for a written and recorded statement from the university president committing to focus on equity and inclusion
– A commitment to work with students on student identified issues
– Create more visibility for existing equity inclusion groups
– Accessible information on students rights
Here’s a video report on the rally from KCCI:
These hoaxes usually follow a similar pattern, ending in a list of demands. They also serve other purposes. Everyone involved gets attention, an opportunity to virtue signal and to feel good about themselves.
In the end, it’s just an embarrassment.
Featured image via YouTube.

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MY GOD, are White people stupid.
Intentionally so.
Starve the beast. Quit sending your offspring to
collegeindoctrination centers.In the end, it’s just an embarrassment.
Hardly. In the end, it works.
Maybe this nasty trend can be slowed down if there are actual penalties for such crimes. Start with expulsion, and do it immediately. There will, naturally, be a riot after that. So what? Law and order has a price; so bite on a bullet, and pay it. Or pay for rule by the racist mob, and pay for it forever.
The left will escalate until the administration either capitulates or there is bloodshed. The only other option is to close the college.
Money controls everything. Starve the schools until they rid themselves of leftists psychopaths running them and teaching at them.
What would happen if it had been a white actor????The black hoaxer should get the same treatment and not be given a pass.
Let’s put thousands of ignorant adolescents together in one place with no adult supervision and see what happens!
I love this s**t. Please keep doing it. Here is yet another example of a WOMAN [or women] who is also BLACK LYING. What does this tell us? That you can not unconditionally believe anyone, including women and African Americans. Who knew? So, we bid a find farewell to the SS #MeToo movement as it sinks slowly under the sea of of cynicism.
I always classify these ‘hate’ crimes as fake until the supposed victim proves it to be true.
Or is that racist due process?
Either way, I don’t care. If fake, these fakers need to be prosecuted.
If true, I still don’t care because every society has its xssholes. Sukk it up, buttercup.
Diversity or color judgments (e.g. denial of individual dignity, painting with broad-sweeping strokes, color before character a.k.a. racism, Jew… White privilege) is a first-order forcing of catastrophic anthropogenic renewable redistributive and retributive change. #HateLovesAbortion #PrinciplesMatter
Black Lies Matter
Can anyone recall the last time one of these “incidents” turned out not to be a hoax? Anything within the past 20 years?
There is little if any, downside for these actions. Someone will rationalize the motives for the lies and subject the whole campus to “sensitivity training”, the current embodiment of the classic Re-education Camps, just in installments.
I sense a pattern. LOL
BTW, this is no different than the deluge of fake news and fabricated studies and “statistics” we get in the MSM daily.
When I was in college, there were a few kids who were placed in that institute of higher learning because their families could not stand them. There was one that was delusional, a few with no coping skills, several more who were determined to flunk out, and a sociopath. This was also true for my kids’ colleges.
Why should Drake be any different? I’m willing to bet this drama queen has pulled a few other tricks, too. That might explain why the police were able to get a confession out of her.
” There was one that was delusional, a few with no coping skills…”
You went to school with Airhead-Cortez? What’s she REALLY like?
Every last one of them was a blinding genius compared to Occasional Cortex.
The Africans in America KNOW they can guilt trip and fool the idiotic Whites.
That is their game. No matter what they do, say, or write, all they have to do is scream “Dat be Raycisss” and the Whites run like cowards.
Well, guess what. Some of us see the game and we won’t play. Many of us are getting really tired of this and it isn’t going to turn out well.
The vast majority of White people have more important things to do than think about Africans and to sneak around putting little goofy notes under some African’s door. Really? Just that alone should tell you it is a prank all designed to intimidate White Americans.
We are running out of time.
“The Africans in America KNOW they can guilt trip and fool the idiotic Whites…”
Not all the white are idiotic.
But worse, the African leaders KNOW they can banboozle the Africans into self-destruction and infantile dependence, but at the same time, blind allegiance.
Slavery returns.
Here’s yet another hoax.
At this point any ‘racist’ incident like this crap should be assumed a hoax until PROVEN otherwise.
Welcome to three years ago. Where ya been, mate?
Doing the racism so called “white supremacists (read it: any white male) don’t do.
Don’t you hate it when people don’t live up to the fictional stereotypes you build for them?