Jesse Kelly’s Twitter Account Reinstated, Conspiracies Abound
Welcome back, Jesse!

Conservative pundit Jesse Kelly’s Twitter account was reportedly banned over the Thanksgiving weekend. Mary covered the story here. Now, the account has been reinstated.
At present, there’s confusion aURLo whether his account was suspended or banned. If Twitter suspends an account, users are still able to access the page URL where they’ll find a suspension message. That was not the case with Kelly’s account.
Twitter issued a statement:
BREAKING: Twitter spokesperson says regarding Kelly's suspension:
"The account was temporarily suspended for violating the Twitter Rules and has been reinstated. We have communicated directly with the account owner."
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) November 27, 2018
Temporarily? Their email to him said "permanently suspended" and that "this account will not be restored".
They're being dishonest one way or another.
— Sky Hartman (@Skyhartman) November 27, 2018
At least two US Senators spoke out against Twitter’s banning of Kelly:
BREAKING: Twitter spokesperson says regarding Kelly's suspension:
"The account was temporarily suspended for violating the Twitter Rules and has been reinstated. We have communicated directly with the account owner."
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) November 27, 2018
Now, there are Kelly Ban Truthers:
Did Jesse Kelly lie?
Well, did you @JesseKellyDC? Was it a perma-ban or just a temporary suspension you over-exaggerated?
— Jim Minardi (@OpeItsJimbo) November 27, 2018
This one is from the account of someone who claims he’s a free speech activist. You cannot make these things up:
Twitter just re-activated Jesse Kelly's account, caving to Ben Shapiro and his right-wing transphobic mob. Really fucking pathetic, @jack. Sets a horrible precedent.
— Nathan Bernard (@nathanTbernard) November 27, 2018

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Not ‘welcome back, Jesse’.
They tried to permanently ban a user without even attempting to inform him of the reason.
Make no mistake, they ONLY removed the ban because it got such widespread coverage.
I guarantee there are hundreds of others that were banned with no explanation that are still banned.
DO NOT ACCEPT this BS from Twitter. Demand who banned him, why, and what was done when it was found out to be ‘in error’.
But is he interested in coming back?
It is a dilemma.
If you don’t fight it, you’ve empowered the censorship.
Others (like me) have voted with their feet and have left the platform.
That Bernard clown has an unhealthy obsession with Shapiro, to the point he harasses people whom Shapiro retweets.
To mock a bird. Perchance to abort a Twitter.
Walk this way Jesse. Tbe Twitter Nazis are delighted you’ve returned to the Vichy Sector. Here, wear this medal around your neck.
“It says…token”
Yah, just flip that around, you deplorable hillbilly. …and here we are. Now smile for the cameras.
It would be a lot better to combine some talented coders, who are plentiful, people with a clue about marketing, and some conservative sources of finance and construct an alternative platform. It could probably be started at a pretty good scale for a couple million, since you can rent server space cheap.
Constantly being third class citizens on social media is not a winning strategy, Unless we are there to “use their own rules against them”, while having a fully functional home base to operate from.
Well, I finally just deleted Twitter from my life. Next will be FB.
I would say. Welcome back, but I dropped my Twitter account while you were gone. FB is next. The big socialist media platforms are not a secure foundation on which to build an online presence.
We early builders of the /usr/group phone infrastructure need to start over with a better use-case.