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U. Mississippi Prof Says Senators Don’t Deserve Your Civility

U. Mississippi Prof Says Senators Don’t Deserve Your Civility

“encouraged people to disrupt their meals and take their food”

Shouldn’t people expect better than this from college educators?

Campus Reform reports:

Ole Miss prof: Senators ‘don’t deserve your civility’

An assistant professor at the University of Mississippi (UM) tweeted that United States senators “don’t deserve your civility” and encouraged people to disrupt their meals and take their food.

“Don’t just interrupt a Senator’s meal, y’all. Put your whole damn fingers in their salads. Take their [appetizers] and distribute them to the other diners. Bring boxes and take their food home with you on the way out. They don’t deserve your civility,” James Thomas, an assistant professor of sociology at UM, tweeted on Oct. 6.

Thomas’ tweet comes just days after anti-Brett Kavanaugh protesters ran Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) out of a Washington, D.C. restaurant, as WRC-TV reported.


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I wonder if he believes assistant professors deserve civility? Just asking.

Assistant professor of sociology. Well, you knew it wasn’t going to be engineering, didn’t you?

Yeah … well … I’m not so sure some professors deserve my civility either …

Let me be the first to warn him and any who would heed his advice: Do NOT try this in a steak house! Unless, that is, you wish to have your hand pinned to the table with 6-8 inches of steel.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to joated. | October 18, 2018 at 7:39 am

    I was thknking a less-formal place and a fork jammed – HARD – into the back of a hand, but we are on the same path.

Leftists. You can’t live with them, and you can’t just shoot them. (Hey, that could be a song……)