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Sociology Class at NYU Requires Students to Write ‘Gender Autobiography’

Sociology Class at NYU Requires Students to Write ‘Gender Autobiography’

“how [their] life relates to the conditions of gender inequality and gender differentiation”

What would happen if students submitted a paper with only the word “male” or “female” on it?

The College Fix reports:

NYU class has students write a ‘gender autobiography’

A sociology class at New York University requires students to write a “gender autobiography,” a paper in which the students will show “how [their] life relates to the conditions of gender inequality and gender differentiation.”

The class, “(Sociology of) Sex and Gender,” taught by instructor Robert Max Jackson, explores “gender distinctions [that] permeate the institutions, opportunities, and ideas around us.”

“Through reading and discussion, and through critically examining our own lives, we will build our analytical tools to understand and talk about sex inequality knowledgeably and perceptively. We will also try to expand our general skills in theoretical criticism and social analysis,” the course’s website states.

Central to the class is the course term paper: Every student must write a “gender (auto)biography” in which students are given the opportunity to “make sense of your life–past, present, and future–as influenced by your gender.”

“At the end of the course, you will submit a gender social biography that shows how your life relates to the conditions of gender inequality and gender differentiation, using a range of materials from the class.”

According to the assignment’s guidelines: “The main idea here is simply that ‘gender identity’ is not a simple, singular quality. Rather, it is the combination of many personal characteristics and dispositions that we think of as differing between the typical woman and typical man. Furthermore, our gender identity is not only changeable over time, but may vary by context or by the point of view of the person evaluating it.”


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This is an age-old cult brainwashing technique: make people devise a story that reframes their earlier life in negative terms. That helps them dismiss past beliefs and connections in order to feel “enlightened” with newly-indoctrinated beliefs.

>> Robert Max Jackson << Are we sure that we aren't being trolled here? 😉

Reminds me of a clueless woman that I used to work with. One day at lunch we were discussing Randy Johnson, and she wanted to know why we called him "The Big Unit." Every time she'd say, "Is it because he is tall?" we'd all laugh and refuse to answer. I only hope that her husband is still keeping the joke alive.

I wonder if this would earn an A or an F?

And perhaps students will then be required to write another paper, only this one will explore the differential effects of natural selection on the sexes might have favored different behavioral traits between men and women?

And for extra credit, whether these selective pressures might have produced greater variability in males and, if so, whether this might have something to do with the relative number of men and women in prison, and at the highest levels of physics and math, or who have been diagnosed as autistic, or mentally handicapped?

Since sociology is a science, and since social workers must deal with men and women as they are, surely there are good reasons to study why there might be biological differences (in the aggregate) between men and women?