Kavanaugh Open Thread: Swetnick’s Ex-Boyfriend Claims She Threatened His Family, Never Spoke of Kavanaugh

Richard Vinneccy, the ex-boyfriend of Julie Swetnick, a woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, told Laura Ingraham last night that she threatened his family and never spoke of any incidents involving Kavanaugh. He also said:

He added that while he was not aware of Swetnick’s political tendencies, “She always wanted to be the center of attention. . .. She was exaggerating everything. Everything that came out of her mouth was just exaggerations.”

If you missed Professor Jacobsen’s write-up of Swetnick’s awful NBC interview, you need to read it.

New Avenatti Witness

This woman claims she has known Ford and Swetnick for years.

Man Releases Letter on Swetnick

A man named Dennis Ketterer spoke with Sen. Orrin Hatch’s office and wrote a letter about Julie Swetnick. Hatch pointed out some of the details of the letter on Twitter:

Ford’s Exit Door Account Falling Apart

When Dr. Ford testified, she said that revealed the details of the alleged attack from Kavanaugh in 2012 while in couples therapy after her husband couldn’t understand why she wanted a “second front door.” She claimed claustrophobia and panic attacks from a previous attack.

Ford did not say when the renovation on the house took place. RealClearInvestigations reported that documents show it took place before the couples therapy:

But documents reveal the door was installed years before as part of an addition, and has been used by renters and even a marriage counseling business.“The door was not an escape route but an entrance route,” said an attorney familiar with the ongoing congressional investigation. “It appears the real plan for the second front door was to rent out a separate room.”—Palo Alto city records show that a building permit for an additional room and exterior door was issued to Ford and her husband on Feb. 4, 2008 — more than four years before the May 2012 therapy session where, she says, she first identified Kavanaugh as her attacker.All the remodeling, including a new bathroom, was completed by February 2010. The only additional permits issued to Ford at her Palo Alto address are for “solar panels” on the roof, a “solar hot water system” in the garage, and an “electric vehicle charge station” for the driveway — all of which were issued after 2012.Other documents, including health care-provider registration records, reveal that a marriage counselor listed Ford’s home address as her place of employment, ostensibly using the extra room and door for her clinical practice. That marriage therapist, Sylvia Adkins Randall, sold the home to the Fords in 2007, but continued to maintain the address for her business.

Ford and her husband bought a beach home in 2007 and in July, “applied for permits to build a front porch and new decks at the home, located on Seaside Street in Santa Cruz. There is no application for a second front door, however, and the recent permits are the only ones applied for since 2007.”

Ford’s lawyers have not given the therapist notes or the name of the therapist to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley. They have given that information to the Democrats, who have not shared it with the Republicans.

Harvard Students File Title IX Complaints Against Kavanaugh

Harvard student Jacqueline Kellogg came up with the idea to file a Title IX complaint against Kavanaugh to make him stop teaching at the law school. Kellogg, along with student Julia Wiener, “argued the nominee’s presence on campus would create a ‘hostile environment’ as defined in Harvard guidelines related to sexual harassment.”

However, TWO law professors at Harvard disagree with this step:

Jeannie Suk Gersen, a professor at the Law School and a Title IX expert who has written extensively about Kavanaugh’s confirmation, said that — while she supports the students’ freedom to protest the nominee’s former teaching role at Harvard — the notion of filing Title IX complaints is “misplaced.”“Such an abuse of process would undermine the legitimacy and credibility of complaints that the Title IX process is intended to deal with, as well as of the Title IX office to focus on its duties,” Suk Gersen wrote in an email. “It might be effective in drawing further attention to some students’ objection to Kavanaugh’s teaching appointment, but I don’t expect him to be found to have violated Harvard University’s Sexual & Gender-Based Harassment Policy based on the currently known public allegations against him.”Janet Halley, another Law School professor with a background in Title IX law, also called the students’ strategy of filing formal complaints unlikely to succeed.“I urge the students to divert their energy from this implausible claim that he’s going to create a sexually hostile environment by teaching at the Law School to the really grand issue of whether he’s fit to be in his current judgeship or promoted to the Supreme Court,” Halley said.

Flashback: Sen. Mazie Hirono Accepted Money From Senate Democrat Who Admitted Hitting His Wife

Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) has shone in the spotlight since Kavanaugh’s nomination and has become one of the Democrats with the loudest voice on the Judiciary Committee against him. She has stated that American men have perpetuated sexual assault and they should “just shut up.”

Earlier today, Hirono told CNN she has concerns about Kavanaugh’s drinking and testimony that claims he has an aggressive personality after consuming too much alcohol.

So as Hirono has shown herself to supposedly be a supporter of women abused by men, she seems to have forgotten something she did in the past. From The Washington Free Beacon:

Hirono’s Democratic colleague in the Senate, Tom Carper (Del.), who has admitted to punching his wife hard enough to give her a black eye, appears to be getting a pass from Hirono, who, even since his admission was revealed last January, has taken campaign money from him.Neither Hirono nor any of her Democratic colleagues have commented on the record since the Free Beacon uncovered a 1998 interview, in which Carper said, “Did I slap my wife 20 years ago? Yes.”Not only have Democrats such as Hirono failed to address Carper’s spousal abuse committed during his first marriage when he was in his 30s, but they have also continued to take money from him for their reelections.Hirono’s campaign took $1,000 from Carper’s First State PAC in June of this year, according to Federal Election Commission records.

Other Democrats on the committee have taken money from Carper: Feinstein, Whitehouse, and Klobuchar.

NBC Promoting Kavanaugh Perjury Piece

NBC News probably realized its reputation is done, especially after that Swetnick interview last night, so why not go all in? The publication published an article that Kavanaugh perjured himself when he told the Senate he had not “discussed or heard discussion about the incident matching the description given by Ms. Ramirez to the New Yorker” before the magazine published her claims.

As Charles Cooke points out, there is nothing that contradicts his testimony:

[Redacted Questioner]: All right. My last question on this subject is since you graduated from college, but before the New Yorker article publication on September 23rd, have you ever discussed or heard discussion about the incident matching the description given by Ms. Ramirez to the New Yorker?Judge Kavanaugh: No.

If this were his only answer, it could at a stretch be cast as misleading — although it would be a big stretch, given that he was asked whether he’d heard about an “incident matching the description.” But — surprise! — this wasn’t his only answer. Indeed, just one page on in the transcript, Kavanaugh takes a break from protesting his innocence to tell the committee that he had heard that Ramirez was calling around before the specific accusation was made public:

[Redacted Questioner]: Well, actually, are you aware that the New York Times passed up on this story before the New Yorker ran the story? Judge Kavanaugh. That’s what I read in the New York Times. What’s your reaction to that?Judge Kavanaugh: They couldn’t — the New York Times couldn’t corroborate this story and found that she was calling around to classmates trying to see if they remembered it. And I, at least — and I, myself, heard about that, that she was doing that. And you know, that just strikes me as, you know, what is going on here? When someone is calling around to try to refresh other people, is that what’s going on? What’s going on with that? That doesn’t sound — that doesn’t sound good to me. It doesn’t sound fair. It doesn’t sound proper. It sounds like an orchestrated hit to take me out. That’s what it sounds like.

“And I, at least — and I, myself, heard about that, that she was doing that.”

Now NBC News has updated its piece, and never made a note of that, with a reference to his testimony that contradicts the piece’s claim.

Collins Wants FBI to Investigate Swetnick’s Claims

Even though no one believes Swetnick and she has a long history of suing people and making up accusations, Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) wants the FBI to investigate her claims.

From The Press Herald:

Collins and Republican Sens. Jeff Flake of Arizona and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska “advocated for the additional background investigation because she believed that it could help the senators evaluate the claims that have been brought to the Judiciary Committee,” Collins’ spokeswoman Annie Clark said in a statement to the Press Herald on Monday. “That would include the allegations that were brought by Julie Swetnick.”Clark said FBI investigators “can determine whom they need to speak with and should follow appropriate leads. Senator Collins was encouraged by the President’s statements that he would give the FBI agents the latitude they need to do their work. It makes sense to start with the four named witnesses from the hearing and then the FBI can follow any leads that it believes need to be pursued, as Senators Flake, Murkowski, and Collins indicated at the time this agreement was made.”

Vinneccy: “You will never, ever see your unborn child alive.”

From Fox News (emphasis mine):

“Right after I broke up with her, she basically called me many times and at one point she basically said, ‘You will never, ever see your unborn child alive,'” Richard Vinneccy said on “The Ingraham Angle.”According to Vinneccy, Swetnick told him at the time, ‘I’m just going to go over there and kill you guys.'”Swetnick is represented by anti-Trump lawyer Michael Avenatti. He did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment on Vinneccy’s allegation, but in an interview on CNN Monday night, he cast doubt on Vinneccy’s credibility and characterized him as an estranged ex-boyfriend.Vinneccy, who said he dated Swetnick off-and-on for seven years, maintained that Swetnick never once mentioned to him her extraordinary claims, apparently made for the first time last month, that Kavanaugh had engaged in systemic gang rapes decades ago. He said the relationship spanned from 1994 to 2001.”Never, never once [did] she mention that to me,” he told host Laura Ingraham. “We used to talk about everything. She never once mentioned that at all. … If you ask me personally if I believe her, I don’t believe her. I really don’t believe her. Nobody knows Julie Swetnick better than me.”He added that while he was not aware of Swetnick’s political tendencies, “She always wanted to be the center of attention. . .. She was exaggerating everything. Everything that came out of her mouth was just exaggerations.”

Tags: Brett Kavanaugh, Sexual Assault, Trump Appointments, US Senate, US Supreme Court