Someone leaked Christine Blasey Ford’s letter to Dianne Feinstein to the media, setting off the current firestorm surrounding Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation.
Kavanaugh has denied the accusation of assault set forth in the letter, and vigorously defended himself at the hearings. Each of the people Ford has identified as being present during the party in question has denied being at such party.
During the hearings, however, the question arose as to who leaked the letter to the media.
It wasn’t Republicans, because only Feinstein’s office, the office of a Democrat congresswoman, and Ford’s Democrat lawyers had the letter.
Now Donald Trump is calling on the FBI to investigate the leak.
Here is the pool report of Trump’s comments:
“I think frankly the FBI has a chance to reveal a lot of different things. I’d like to find out who leaked the papers. Was it Sen. Feinstein? Certainly her body language was not exactly very good when they asked her that question. I would like to find out as part of it who leaked the papers. Which Democrat leaked the papers.”
This is the exchange during the hearings to which Trump appears to be referring: