Tom Steyer’s Anti-Trump Efforts Stymied By Trump Economic Success

Liberal billionaire Tom Steyer is spending a fortune to get Democrats elected with the goal of impeaching Trump. But like many Democrats running this fall, he is tripping over the fact that the economy is booming on Trump’s watch.

During a recent appearance on MSNBC, Steyer struggled to explain his position.

Reagan McCarthy writes at Townhall:

Tom Steyer Gets Owned By MSNBC, Tries to Downplay Trump Economic SuccessFar-left Democratic mega-donor Tom Steyer, also the founder of Super PAC NextGen America and Need To Impeach, was grilled by MSNBC hosts on President Trump’s economy. The billionaire struggled to push-back on the hosts’ factual claims about the Trump Administration’s growing economy.Steyer asserted that corporations are hijacking American democracy, and that the aforementioned claim is the reason for booming business and consumer confidence; Steyer could not back this bold claim with any facts or reason.In the most delusional claim in the entire interview, Steyer claimed that the Middle Class saw no benefits from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The left-leaning Tax Policy Center found that 80 percent of Americans will see a tax cut, and just 5 percent, a majority upper-class tax brackets, will see a slight increase.

Watch the clip below:

David Rutz of the Washington Free Beacon caught another interesting moment from this same interview which is worth mentioning. It seems MSNBC hosts Ali Velshi and Stephanie Ruhle think it’s selfish for voters to make their decisions based on things like the preservation of values, rights and wealth:

MSNBC Anchors Fret People ‘Vote Pretty Selfishly,’ Find It ‘Fascinating’ People Support Trump Because of Guns, AbortionInterviewing left-wing billionaire Tom Steyer, Ruhle fretted that in spite of Trump’s boorishness and dishonesty, “a lot of people vote pretty selfishly.””While we could find or do find the president’s constant lying or lawlessness or reprehensible behavior morally unacceptable, a lot of people vote pretty selfishly, and they say, ‘What’s going to give me more money in my pockets?'” Ruhle said to Steyer, who has long sought Trump’s impeachment.”Or what’s going to make abortion illegal or what’s going to make sure that my Second Amendment rights stay the same, and clearly, that adds up to enough people that the president still has something akin to 40 percent of the electorate in polls,” Velshi said. “It’s kind of fascinating to us, as I’m sure it is to you, but how do we talk about that?”


People in the liberal media just keep proving they don’t understand Trump voters at all.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2018 Elections, Democrats, Tom Steyer, Trump Economic Policy