Mark Judge denies gang rape party accusations as “bizarre” and “outlandish”

[Edit: FS] We will be updating this thread throughout the day.

Mark Judge has denied the allegations made by Julie Swetnick, the latest client of porn lawyer Michael Avenatti.  Swetnick alleges that Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge were present at parties in the 1980’s when girls were drugged and raped by multiple high school boys.

Fox News reports:

The high school friend of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, whose name has been drawn into the allegations leveled against the Supreme Court nominee by several women, said Friday he would cooperate with any law enforcement investigation that will “confidentially” probe the allegations, which he “categorically” denies.

In a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., Friday, Mark Judge, denied the latest round of accusations brought against him and Kavanaugh by Julie Swetnick—the client of Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti.

Swetnick accused Kavanaugh and Judge of making unwanted sexual advances at women while at parties in high school in the early 1980s, drugging the “punch” at parties, and participating in “gang rapes” and “train rapes.” Swetnick claims she is a victim of gang rape, and said that both Judge and Kavanaugh were there to watch the incident.“In response to the Committee’s request for information, I, MARK JUDGE, declare: The allegations in the Swetnick affidavit are so bizarre that, even while suffering from my addiction, I would remember actions so outlandish. I categorically deny them,” Judge, a recovering alcoholic, said in the letter.

Here is the letter in question:

[Update] Big Surprise: Ford’s attorney says no “artificial limits” should be placed on FBI inquiry Flake, et al. insisted upon

In a move that has surprised (almost?) no one, Ford’s attorney Debra Katz has issued a statement that “no artificial limits as to time or scope should be imposed on this investigation.”

If Flake, Murkowski, and Collins acted in good faith, they may be surprised by this move, but no one with even the most basic critical thinking skills will be.

[Update] Ford’s lifelong friend who has no memory of the incident and has never met Kavanaugh believes Ford. Or something.

The left is ramping up their Orwellian speak.  The latest effort essentially states that just because Leland Keyser has no idea what Ford is talking about, has no memory of the party in question (let alone of the attempted assault in any context), and has never met Kavanaugh it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.  She believes Ford, so that’s all that really matters goes this latest leftist lunacy.

From HuffPo:

An attorney for Leland Keyser stated plainly in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee that his client, a friend of Christine Blasey Ford, does not “refute” Blasey’s sexual assault claim against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“Ms. Keyser does not refute Dr. Ford’s account, and she has already told the press that she believes Dr. Ford’s account,” the attorney, Howard Walsh, wrote in the letter sent late Friday.
Kavanaugh and Republicans have repeatedly attempted to use a prior statement from Keyser in their defense against Blasey’s allegation. Blasey, now a psychology professor, told the Senate committee this week she is “100 percent” certain it was Kavanaugh who pinned her to a bed at a high school party in what she believed was an attempt to rape her.
Although Keyser believes her friend, Walsh said “the simple and unchangeable truth” is that his client is “unable to corroborate” Blasey’s account because she does not remember it.
The letter clarifies an initial statement from Keyser that did not comment on the veracity of Blasey’s story.

“Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford,” her attorney initially said.

USA Today says not safe to allow Kavanaugh around children

USA Today sportswriter Erik Brady has created a controversy with his article about Kavanaugh’s statement that he “may never be able to coach again.”  Brady asserts that he should not be permitted to do so until “further investigation is concluded.”

Brett Kavanaugh testified the other day that he might never coach girls’ basketball again.He shouldn’t – at least not until further investigation has concluded.The U.S. Senate may yet confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, but he should stay off basketball courts for now when kids are around.“I love coaching more than anything I’ve ever done in my whole life,” Kavanaugh said in his opening statement on Thursday. “But thanks to what some of you on this side of the committee have unleashed, I may never be able to coach again.”He just might be right. Oh, not the part about blaming Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee – that’s just to avoid placing blame on his wholly sympathetic accuser – but the may-never-coach-again part. The nation is newly vigilant on who coaches and trains its children given recent scandals in gymnastics and other sports.Turns out, though, Kavanaugh is free to continue coaching in the Catholic Youth Organization and his daughters’ private school in Washington, according to Edward McFadden, spokesperson for the Archdiocese of Washington. He said a coach accused of sexual misconduct would have to go through the full legal process and be convicted before being banned.

Needless to say, this hit piece has garnered a lot of negative attention.

Flake Claims His Last-minute Reversal Was To Save the Institutions of the Senate and SCOTUS

In an interview with the Atlantic Friday night, Flake explained why he caved to Democrat pressure.

McKay Coppins: As of Friday morning, you were planning to vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh. By the afternoon, you were calling for an FBI investigation before you could support his confirmation. What happened in those few hours that changed your mind?Jeff Flake: I don’t know if there was any one thing, but I was just unsettled. You know, when I got back to the committee, I saw the food fight again between the parties—the Democrats saying they’re going to walk out, the Republican blaming everything on the Democrats.And then there was [Democratic Senator] Chris Coons making an impassioned plea for a one-week extension to have an FBI investigation. And you know, if it was anybody else I wouldn’t have taken it as seriously. But I know Chris. We’ve traveled together a lot. We’ve sat down with Robert Mugabe. We’ve been chased by elephants, literally, in Mozambique. We trust each other. And I thought, if we could actually get something like what he was asking for—an investigation limited in time, limited in scope—we could maybe bring a little unity.We can’t just have the committee acting like this. The majority and minority parties and their staffs just don’t work well together. There’s no trust. In the investigation, they can’t issue subpoenas like they should. It’s just falling apart.Coppins: So, you were motivated mainly by preserving institutional credibility?Flake: Two institutions, really. One, the Supreme Court is the lone institution where most Americans still have some faith. And then the U.S. Senate as an institution—we’re coming apart at the seams. There’s no currency, no market for reaching across the aisle. It just makes it so difficult.Just these last couple of days—the hearing itself, the aftermath of the hearing, watching pundits talk about it on cable TV, seeing the protesters outside, encountering them in the hall. I told Chris, “Our country’s coming apart on this—and it can’t.” And he felt the same.

Tags: Brett Kavanaugh, US Senate, US Supreme Court