Kavanaugh Open Thread: Ford Trying to Find Excuse Not to Show Up?

Christine Blasey Ford’s team sent another letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley with concerns about the hearing that should take place on Thursday with her and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Her lawyer, Michael Bromwich, told Grassley they have a problem with the hiring of an “experience sex crimes prosecutor” since neither of them are on trial. He also doesn’t think she can get a fair hearing due to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell calling her allegations a “smear campaign.”

GOP Hires Female Attorney to Question Ford

Republicans hired a female attorney to question Ford and have chosen not to name her.

From Politico:

Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told POLITICO on Tuesday as he entered the Capitol for a weekly GOP meeting that “we aren’t announcing the name for her safety.” Asked if Republicans have received any indication of threats to the attorney they’re preparing to use, Grassley said: “I don’t know, but I guess we’re just being cautious.”Grassley responded Monday to a personal letter he received from Ford over the weekend in which she vowed that “fear will not hold me back from testifying,” Grassley told the 51-year-old California-based professor that he is “committed to fair and respectful treatment of you” during Thursday’s make-or-break hearing on her claim against Kavanaugh.Although Ford’s attorney wrote to Grassley on Monday night that his staff “still has not responded to a number of outstanding questions” about the hearing, including more details on how the female attorney would be engaged to speak on behalf of Judiciary Republicans’ all-male roster, the Iowan made clear that he views the hearing as locked in.Heeding Ford’s desire to avoid a “circus-like environment,” Grassley said, he has agreed to limit the press presence in the hearing room and give her security protection through the Capitol Police. “I don’t know what else we can do,” Grassley said, adding that “I don’t know of any problem” remaining.

Trump Speaks About Kavanaugh’s Second Accuser

Ford’s Letter to Grassley

It seems to me that Ford and her team are trying to come up with an excuse not to show up on Thursday.

The Republicans have refused to name the prosecutor and Ford’s team demanded the name and resume of the prosecutor. For some reason, the team objects to having outside counsel ask questions for the Republicans so something tells me even if the majority releases said information it still wouldn’t be good enough for Ford and her team.

The Republicans have bent over backwards trying to accommodate this woman. They want her to tell her story and have her voice heard and yet she and her team are doing everything they can to prevent this.

Look at Branco’s cartoon from yesterday. It wouldn’t shock me if that comes true.

Avenatti Trying to Remain Relevant

Attention-seeking lawyer Michael Avenatti is doing all he can to remain relevant and extend his 15 minutes of fame. He appeared on Maddow last night.

Tags: Brett Kavanaugh, Trump Appointments, US Senate, US Supreme Court