Kavanaugh Judiciary Committee interview: “this is crazy town”

Embedded below is an interview (pdf.), under oath, with Brett Kavanaugh conducted by the Senate Judiciary Committee majority (Republican) staff, regarding the allegations by Yale classmate Deborah Ramirez, and the new allegations by Michael Avenatti’s client Julie Swetnick.

The denials are categorical and unequivocal, as they were as to the Christine Blasey Ford accusations. (Prior interview pdf.) Kavanaugh left no gray zone.

The staff even asked Kavanaugh the questions Avenatti demanded be asked of Kavanaugh:

15 Mr. Avenatti’s questions. The first one,16 did you ever target one or more women for sex or rape at a17 house party?18 Judge Kavanaugh. No.19 Did you ever assist Mark Judge or others in20 doing so?21 Judge Kavanaugh. No.22 Did you ever attend any house party during23 which a woman was gang raped or used for sex by multiple24 men?25 Judge Kavanaugh. No.251 Did you ever witness a line of men outside a2 bedroom at any house party where you understood a woman was3 in the bedroom being raped or taken advantage of?4 Judge Kavanaugh. No.5 Did you ever participate in any sexual6 conduct with a woman at a house party with whom you7 understood to be intoxicated or under the influence of8 drugs?9 Judge Kavanaugh. No.10 Did you ever communicate with Mark Judge or11 anyone else about your participation in a “train” involving12 an intoxicated woman?13 Judge Kavanaugh. No.14 Did you ever object or attempt to prevent15 one or more men from participating in the rape or taking16 advantage of a woman at any house party?17 Judge Kavanaugh. I never saw such a thing. So the18 premise, the question is off.

He also explained some of the yearbook entries that Avenatti claimed were code for sexual assault:

“FFFFFFFourth of July”

11 Okay. Mr. Avenatti says he has reason — he12 has reason to believe that the “FFFFFFFourth of July entry”13 stands for “find them, French them, feel them, finger them,14 fuck them, and forget them.”15 Have you ever used such a reference?16 Judge Kavanaugh. That’s wrong. It refers to this one17 guy and his — and a joke that everyone had about him and18 how he said “fuck you.”19 Have you ever heard of such a reference as20 Mr. Avenatti described it being used?21 Judge Kavanaugh. I have never heard that as a22 reference, and I know for a fact that that was not the23 reference with respect to the yearbook.* * *19 Mr. Avenatti says he has reason to believe that the20 “FFFFFFFourth of July entry” stands for “find them, French21 them, feel them, finger them, fuck them, and forget them.”22 And here’s the question. Have you ever used such a23 reference?24 Judge Kavanaugh. No, never. Nor has anyone else, to25 my understanding. And I know for a fact that that is not291 the reference in the yearbook or the reference related to2 the person in question talking about his use of it and how3 that became a joke among some of the classmates.

“Devil’s Triangle”

3 On the yearbook entry, yes, there is a reference to4 devil’s triangle.5 What does the devil’s triangle entry refer6 to?7 Judge Kavanaugh. It refers to a drinking game where8 there were three glasses in a triangle. Beer drinking.9 Mr. Avenatti says he has — he has reason to10 believe the devil’s triangle entry refers to a situation11 where two men engage in sex with one woman at the same12 time.13 Have you ever used the term “devil’s triangle” to14 refer to sexual behavior?15 Judge Kavanaugh. No.16 Have you ever heard “devil’s triangle” being17 used to refer to sexual behavior?18 Judge Kavanaugh. No.19 Why did you include the devil’s triangle20 entry in your yearbook?21 Judge Kavanaugh. I don’t know. We were 17.

The questioning also include questions about as an anonymous Colorado complaint mailed to Senator Cory Gardner, and a Rhode Island complaint called in to Senator Sheldon Whitehouse’s office by someone who called for a military coup against Trump. Kavanaugh denied both. The Rhode Island complaint has now been recanted.

Reading through the topics of the questions, it’s hard to believe this is reality. But it’s what Democrats wanted. They wanted and sought out accusers. These complaints are promoted in the media as “Accusation No. 4” and so on.

Kavanaugh summed it up well: This is crazy town.

15 Judge Kavanaugh. I think this is — this is crazy16 town. It’s a smear campaign. I’ve been in the public eye17 for 24 years, really public at various points. Certainly18 1998, when I was in the Starr investigation, that was a19 very public year. In the Bush White House, very public,20 especially in 2003 to 2006. Two notable confirmation21 hearings in ’04 and ’06. As a judge for 12 years. Named,22 whether correctly or not, a few times as a possible Supreme23 Court nominee, very public around those times.24 You know, go through this whole process, and the FBI25 background, six FBI backgrounds, intense scrutiny, and then351 for something like this and the Avenatti thing are just2 absurd and outrageous, coordinated perhaps. I don’t know.3 Twilight zone. And I don’t — you know, it’s just4 outrageous. It’s trying to take me down, trying to take5 down my family.6 It’s bad — it’s doing damage to the Supreme Court.7 It’s doing damage to the country. It’s doing damage to8 this process. It’s become a total feeding frenzy, you9 know? Every — just unbelievable.


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Tags: Brett Kavanaugh, Trump Appointments