Ben of Ben and Jerry’s Asks Twitter For Progressive Ice Cream Names, Hilarity Ensues
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Ben of Ben and Jerry’s Asks Twitter For Progressive Ice Cream Names, Hilarity Ensues

Ben of Ben and Jerry’s Asks Twitter For Progressive Ice Cream Names, Hilarity Ensues

Who’s up for some Maxine’s Harass Mint and Utopian Breadline Pudding ice cream?

Twitter hashtag games are a fun and effective way of sharing our ideas, no less so now that Twitter is silencing conservatives. Case in point, Ben, of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream fame and fortune, coordinated a “name the ice cream for seven up and coming progressives” effort with and got far more than he bargained for.

There was a time when conservatives dominated Twitter.  Yes, really.  We’re wittier, more clever, better informed, and just more fun than progressives, so when they rolled out nonsense like Obama’s Attack Watch, conservatives had a field day with the #AttackWatch hashtag game.  The site didn’t survive the ridicule, and with Obama out of the White House, is now for sale.

By the way, Misfit Politics’ “Attack Watch” ad is still the best of its genre.  Absolutely hilarious and utterly, scathingly effective.

Perhaps Ben Cohen thought those days were far behind us?

If so, he miscalculated, and I’m pretty sure he wasn’t expecting the hilarity that ensued.  Here are seven of my favorites (tweets/attribution embedded below):

Maxine’s Harass Mint
Max Tax Tracks
Utopian Breadline Pudding
Rocky Road to Ruin
Other People’s Honey
Beto’s Hit and Rum Raisin
Sour Grapes

Leftists may run us off Twitter, but their hashtag “games” are boring, unimaginative, and cookie cutter. You know the drill: Trump, the GOP, [insert any Republican pol or voter] is racist, misogynist, xenophobic, blah blah blah. Yawn.

By contrast, conservatives on Twitter have a good grasp of the issues and don’t regurgitate talking points by rote.  We also have a sense of humor.

via Twitchy:

Others I enjoyed:

Those who somehow weren’t aware of Ben and Jerry’s political bent are now boycotting them and have created the hashtag since Ben didn’t bother to include a hashtag with his initial request.  We’re always willing to help out with such oversights.

A truth bomb:

Interestingly, Ben’s Twitter profile page header consists of him “stamping money out of politics.”

A fact not lost on right-leaning Twitter users.

Twitter hashtag games are lots of fun; I’ve enjoyed participating in many over the years and have fond memories of #AttackWatch, #ObamaAteDog (and the related and hilarious #ObamaDogRecipes), #ILikeObamaCare, and #ThankYouHillary.

Oddly, the left doesn’t seem to go in for too many hashtag campaigns these days, so the Ben and Jerry’s misstep is particularly welcome.


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practicalconservative | September 23, 2018 at 4:58 pm

Are these the two guys who asked fora CEO to take all the risks in return for virtually no pay?

They really should donate all their assets to the poor.

No thanks, I’ll stick to Blue Bell, which is delicious, real ice cream and you get a full gallon for the price of one B&J cone.

These are hilarious suggestions.

All I could think of is Vice Cream, SJW Sherbet, Antifa Head Smash, and Spartacus Grandstand Gelato.

Hillary’s Rocky Road, Feinstein’s Hidden Delights, Pelosi’s Nuts, Frozen Twisted Schumer, Maddow’s Virgin Delight, Morning Joe’s Whipped Fantasies, Biden’s Can’t Taste This, and Flake’s Cookie Bake.

I don’t twit, but if I did:

“Scream at the Sky Blueberry Pie”
“Me Too Cluster Goo”

Sedition Sherbet

I recall one or both of these twits, Ben and Jerry, showing up at the “Occupy Wall Street” agitation in D.C., back in 2011. Playing the part of the populist entrepreneurs. Conveniently, they left out the fact that they sold their business to food and housewares giant, Unilever, for a tidy sum. Not that I begrudge them their right to cash in on their success; mind you. I just found their grandstanding in support of an anti-capitalist movement, when they’ve profited handsomely from said system, pretty damn hypocritical.

“Revisionist’s Ripple”

How ‘bout
Diabetes II Delight
Sold Out Supreme ( they sold their company for several hundred million dollars)
Sucker’s Swirl. By their ice cream: they’ll still be worth 200 million, you’ll be six dollars poorer and sugar crashed.

Coup de Grape?

Lie a la Mode?

A Con-Dyke Bar.

HRC’s Lie Ability
Obama’s Kenyan Krunch
Cory’s Spartan Spumoni

Mao Mint.

Gulag Gelato.

Strawberry Stalin.

Cream-Puff Barack.

Commies and Cream.

Mooochelle Butterball Pecan.

Fauxcahontas Freeze.

Chappaquiddick Chip.

Bike Lock Crunch
In Your Face Raspberry
You Didn’t Build That Rocky Road
Pecan Your Window
Leftward Swirl
Blue Dress Blueberry
Keep Your Doctor Fudge
Pink Pussy Parfait
Nutty Everything

– Chicago Shooting Raspberry Swirl
– Antifa Almond Crunch
– Bike Lock Buckle
– SCOTUS Filibuster Belly Buster
– MAGA Marshmallow Dream
– Dummycrat Apricot Crumble
– Easy Peasy Leftist Sleazy
– Abortion Crunch
– Hazelnut Hypocrisy Ice
– “Ice the I.C.E.” Ice
– Venezuela Socialism Feral Dog Surprise

Bolshevik Scat Pie
Unintended Con Sequences
Sour Loose
Mao Tse Dung
Deplorabus Unum
Lost In November
No Path To 270

How did no one think of Illegal Alien ICE Cream?

The founders of said company are both Communists !

White Guilt Vanilla

True socialists should have only one flavour. I suggest Soviet Brutalism Grey. The cone will probably be empty due to unforeseen shortages.

Mooch Tracks
Cankles & Cream

Sally, Sally … Sally, Sally, Sally … Sally! Abortion Crunch? Really, Sally?!

Frankin Fudge Fondler
Wasserman Waterhellion
Barack Brokeberry
Demlicious Debt
Cryin Kaine Kiwi


Maxine’s Nuts

Antifa Cherry Bomb

Biden’s Gropy Grape

Social Justice Fruitcake

Liz’s Squawberry & Cream

Underage Polanski Cherry

Mueller Mango Mush

Hillary’s Cookies and Crap

Barack Enligten Mint

You guys are all hilarious! I so love all of these contributions, but a few that stood out:

Coup de Grape
A Con-Dyke Bar
Mao Mint
Chappaquiddick Chip
You Didn’t Build That Rocky Road
Venezuela Socialism Feral Dog Surprise
Unintended Con Sequences (“cone sequences”?)
Cankles & Cream
Illegal Alien ICE Cream (seriously good!)
Frankin Fudge Fondler
Antifa Cherry Bomb
Biden’s Gropy Grape
Liz’s Squawberry & Cream
Barack Enligten Mint

I’m still giggling! You guys so rock!

For those who don’t use Twitter, the high level of humor, engagement with and knowledge of wide-ranging issues displayed here and on the Twitter threads stands in stark contrast to regressive hashtag games.

One always fun variation is renaming a movie or song (etc.) to meet the hashtag. For example, it might be “Rename a movie about Trump’s immigration policy.” Leftists write stuff like: “Misogynist xenophobe in Seattle” and “Racist in Seattle.” They seem to glom onto one movie or a handful of titles and then insert the rotating “isms” and “phobes.”

They are profoundly unfunny, witless, and boring. Conservative ice cream flavors would be “racist chocolate,” “Islamaphobe strawberry,” and “homophobe vanilla.” I kid you not. These are the stupidest, least-informed, most humorless people in America.