Barack to the Rescue: Republican voters just found their motivation to vote in November

By almost every measure, Democrats have the enthusiasm heading towards November.

While Republicans won most of the congressional special elections, Democrats outperformed relative to 2016 in those districts.

The energy, fed by Trump Derangement Syndrome, makes it possible, perhaps likely, Democrats will take back the House.

There didn’t seem to be anything that could make Republicans and Independents willing to vote Republican, get out of their slumber.


Obama is back big league, and Republicans should be celebrating.


In his speech at U. Illinois, Obama was Obama, arrogant and dismissive, even derisive towards Trump and Republicans. USA Today reports: Previewing his midterm elections campaign message, former President Barack Obama on Friday launched a direct and blistering attack on President Donald Trump and Republicans, and called on Americans to get to the ballot box in November to “restore some semblance of sanity to our politics.”At one point referencing the “crazy stuff that’s coming out of this White House,” Obama told students and others gathered at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign that even if they don’t agree with Democrats on certain issues, they should still be “concerned with our current course” and want to see a “restoration of honesty and decency and lawfulness in government.” …Obama’s scathing attack on Trump comes during a tumultuous week for the White House and represents a departure for Obama, who has kept a low profile since leaving office. He has typically avoided even mentioning Trump by name in previous speeches.

This is a big mistake for Democrats. They didn’t need the Obama magic back, they have the momentum and motivation. “Just don’t blow it” should be Democrats’ strategy.

Obama may be blowing it for them by motivating Republican voters.

This may be the moment when the rise of the big blue wave began to slow, and vulnerable Republican candidates began to heal.

Tags: 2018 Elections, Obama - Post Presidency