After its Animal Cracker success, PETA demands get even wilder

We recently reported that in response to pressure from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), Mondelez International (the parent company of Nabisco), has redesigned the packaging of its Barnum’s Animals crackers to “free” them from cages.

Hard on the heels of this success, PETA demands have gotten even wilder.

First, PETA sent a letter asking to Aretha Franklin’s estate asking them to give her fur collection to the animal rights organization’s fur donation program.

According to a press release by PETA, the furs will go to people in refugee camps and homeless shelters. Additionally, the furs get sent to wildlife rehab facilities that turn them into bedding for orphaned animals. Mariah Carey, Mary Tyler Moore and Sharon Osbourne are among the many stars who gave their furs to the program.“By donating Aretha Franklin’s fur coats to PETA, her family could expand her legacy of social justice to animals,” PETA Executive President Tracy Reiman said. “While we can’t bring back the animals who suffered and died for them, these coats can help others by providing some much-needed warmth to orphaned animals and humans in desperate need.”

Next, PETA asked Maine officials for permission to build a large grave to mark the site of a truck crash that resulted in thousands of lobsters spilling out onto a highway.

PETA hopes to memorialize the “countless sensitive crustaceans” who were killed during the Aug. 22 crash in Brunswick, the animal rights group said.Police said 7,000 pounds of live lobsters were destroyed and it’s suspected it was more than 4,500 lobsters that died, according to the Portland Press Herald.The grave would “remind everyone that the best way to prevent such tragedies is to go vegan,” the animal rights group said.

Finally, after targeting lobsters, PETA’s activists decided to target Maryland’s famous crab cake industry in a Twitter campaign.

One of its famous restaurants, Jimmy’s Seafood, has a team that is obviously wise in the ways of social media.

Then, Jimmy’s Seafood reminded PETA of its troubling animal abuse issues.

I do not think the response to the billboard campaign was what PETA intended, either.

I fear I am going to be gaining some weight over this Labor Day weekend, between the In-N-Out burgers and the Red Lobster meals I intend to enjoy.

Tags: PETA