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Twitter Enlists Professors to Help Fight ‘Incivility and Intolerance’

Twitter Enlists Professors to Help Fight ‘Incivility and Intolerance’

“measuring healthy conversation”

Twitter wants them to help to promote civil conversations. This should end well.

Campus Reform reports:

Twitter recruits profs to fight ‘incivility and intolerance’

Twitter, which has been widely accused of discriminating against conservatives, recently launched an initiative to fight “incivility” and promote “healthy conversation” among users.

The social media company announced the research initiative in a July blog post, describing it as an attempt to focus resources on remedying toxicity and promote “conversational health” on the platform.

To accomplish this, Twitter has assembled a team of nine professors to conduct research on “measuring healthy conversation” across the platform, dividing them into two groups with separate but related objectives.

The first group, led by Leiden University political science researcher Dr. Rebekah Tromble, will address the issue of “echo chambers” and online civil discourse, while the other group will explore ways of bridging gaps between different communities.

Twitter has faced heavy criticism from conservatives in Congress, the media, and the Trump administration following claims that some conservative users have been secretly “shadow banned” by the social media entity, meaning their profiles did not appear in search results.


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Twitter recruits profs to fight ‘incivility and intolerance’

I hate to state the obvious, but perhaps it would help if the college professors were to teach a little civility and tolerance to their students.

Which means they would have to learn it first.

This isn’t a bad idea on its face…it all depends on who they recruit for this team of profs. Remember, that the reports we see often on here and other sites are the real loony bins and shock value hacks.

There are truly tolerant, liberal profs out there.

Professors? Uh-huh. What could possibly go wrong with that.

The only specialty mentioned here is political science, which as a field skews heavily left. IOW a fox has been hired to lead other foxes in watching the hen house. Yeah. That’s going to work out just fine.