Trump Demands Sessions Shut Down Russia Probe ‘Right Now’

President Donald Trump took to Twitter to demand Attorney General Jeff Sessions shut down Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe immediately.

Trump did not explain why he feels that Mueller “is totally conflicted.” He tweeted over the weekend that Mueller should “release his ‘conflicts of interest’ in regards to the ‘very nasty’ and ‘contentious’ business relationship Trump claimed the two had.”

From Fox News:

Sessions, however, already recused himself last year – handing off oversight to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. So he is unlikely to act.A Justice Department spokesperson had no comment on the tweet when reached by Fox News. Another source familiar with the investigation downplayed the implications of the tweet – as Trump previously has vented his frustration with both the Russia probe and Sessions’ recusal from it.Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani said in a statement: “We have been saying for months that it is time to bring this inquiry to an end. The President has expressed the same opinion.”

Since Sessions recused himself, Trump would have to order Rosenstein to fire Mueller.

Tags: DOJ, Jeff Sessions, Robert Mueller, Trump Russia