Swedish State TV: 58 Percent of Those Convicted of Rape Foreign Born

Data from Swedish state TV station, SVT, revealed that 58% of men convicted of rape and attempted rape in Sweden were born abroad. From the BBC:

The Mission Investigation programme, due to be broadcast on Wednesday by SVT, said the total number of offenders over five years was 843. Of those, 197 were from the Middle East and North Africa, with 45 coming from Afghanistan.“We are very clear in the programme that it is a small percentage of the people coming from abroad who are convicted of rape,” chief editor Ulf Johansson told the BBC.He pointed out that the number of reported rapes in Sweden was far higher, so no conclusions could be drawn on the role of immigrants in sexual attacks.When Sweden took in its highest number of asylum seekers in 2015, the number of reported rapes declined by 12%. At the height of the migration crisis, some 160,000 migrants arrived there – more per capita than any other EU country.

The BBC noted that SVT spoke to a former police officer from Afghanistan and he said it stems from cultural differences in sexual equality. I found the original report from SVT and used autotranslation:

Mustafa Panshiri is former police officer and himself born in Afghanistan. In the last two years he has traveled around Sweden and lectured for unaccompanied Afghan youth.”You have different experiences and different ways of looking at life. There are some ideas of sexuality about the position of women in society that you bring. And they crash with Sweden’s feminist views on women and gender equality, he says.—Mustafa Panshiri, who meets many young newly arrived men in his work, sees a need to discuss cultural differences.”We will see more of this in the future if we do not honestly start talking about what this depends on and explain the cultural differences that exist. Is it the same view of women, gender equality, feminism in Sweden as it is in Afghanistan, for example?”If you think it is the same patriarchal structures, fine, then only socio-economic reasons we will focus on. But if you think “no, there are some differences here,” then you must talk about it honestly.

In May, Sweden finally passed a law that says sex without consent is rape:

It says the lack of consent is enough to constitute a crime. It is “based on the obvious: sex must be voluntary”, the government said when the legislation was proposed.The approved text stops short of making expressed consent a condition for sex but states that passivity is not a sign of agreeing to sex.”If a person wants to engage in sexual activities with someone who remains inactive or gives ambiguous signals, he or she will therefore have to find out if the other person is willing.”Under the previous legislation, prosecutors had to prove that the perpetrator had used violence or that the victim had been exploited in a vulnerable condition, such as under the influence of alcohol, in order to secure a rape conviction.

So will the media and politicians finally acknowledge the situation? We’ve documented for many years about the sexual violence in Sweden.

Professor Jacobson has also documented how media has ignored the rise of anti-Semitism in Sweden.

Tags: Europe, Immigration, refugees, Sweden