Germany Creates Third Gender Option for Official Records

The science is settled! Until it comes to basic biology.Wednesday, Germany’s cabinet approved a third gender option for official documents — “diverse.”ABC News reports:

In November, the Federal Constitutional Court decided that people must be allowed to be entered in records as neither male nor female, ordering authorities either to create a third identity or scrap gender entries altogether.It ruled on a case in which a plaintiff sought unsuccessfully to have their entry in the birth register changed from “female” to “inter/diverse” or “diverse.” Until now, the only other option was to leave the gender blank.During a three-year legal battle, the plaintiff provided a genetic analysis showing one X chromosome but no second sex chromosome. Women have two X chromosomes, while men have one X and one Y chromosome. The top court found that authorities could decide to do without any gender identity in civil registers or allow people in a similar situation to choose “another positive designation of their sex that is not male or female.”Wednesday’s Cabinet decision to add a third gender option, “diverse,” to the register of births requires parliamentary approval.The center-left minister for families in Germany‘s conservative-led coalition government, Franziska Giffey, said it is “an important step toward the legal recognition of people whose gender identity is neither male nor female.”

In July, a British doctor claimed the NHS sacked him for refusing “to identify patients as being of a sex that they did not see themselves as.”

Increasingly, eastern Europe is accommodating individuals who identify as something other than their biologically determined gender.

Not too long ago I blogged about a tiny movement in the US, the “theybies.” These parents are intentionally raising their children gender neutral with the hopes that they’ll choose however they see fit when they’re ready.

I wrote:

Men and women are different. Biologically and in countless other ways. There’s no harm in acknowledging and appreciating this basic fact of life, there is harm in pretending otherwise.To the issue of gender identity and whether it’s fluid or even negotiable, I turn to the expert on this — Jordan Peterson.In a separate interview, Peterson elaborated, explaining that (at least at the time of the interview), he’d heard from 30 transexual individuals, those who’ve gone through transition surgery, and 29 out of the 30 agreed with him.

“The idea that gender identity is independent of biological sex is insane. It’s wrong. The scientific data are not only clear, they’re clear beyond dispute. It’s as bad as claiming that the world is flat, in my estimation. Having said that, there are masculine women and there are feminine men.…Identity is a set of tools that you use to operate in the world and if those tools don’t function, you don’t have a functional identity. It isn’t just something that you put on because you feel that way, it has to be something that other people know how to respond to or you will become completely alienated.…It’s narcissistic to the core.”

Tags: Gender, Germany, Transgender