Yale Law School Students and Alums: “People Will Die” if Kavanaugh is Confirmed

Yale Law students and alumni are taking a tired page from the progressive playbook to protest the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh, himself a Yale Law School grad, to the United States Supreme Court.

Remember when repealing Net Neutrality meant everyone would die? Do you recall the same thing being said about repealing Obamacare, and pulling out of the Paris climate agreement? That same argument is being employed here.

Natasha Bach reports at Fortune:

‘People Will Die if He Is Confirmed.’ Students and Alumni Press Yale to Condemn Supreme Court Nominee Brett KavanaughYale Law School may be proud to add another Supreme Court Justice to its long list of alumni, but many others do not share the sentiment.After the school shared a press release lauding Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination, over 200 students, staff members, and alumni of Yale Law School signed an open letter condemning the press release and calling on the school to rescind its support.“We write today as Yale Law students, alumni, and educators ashamed of our alma mater,” the letter begins.Pointing to Yale Law School’s quick publication of the press release, the letter continues that focusing on “the nominee’s professionalism, pedigree, and service” to the school “obscures the true stakes of his nomination.”

Here’s an excerpt from the open letter:

Open Letter from Yale Law Students, Alumni, and Educators Regarding Brett KavanaughJuly 10, 2018To Dean Gerken and the Yale Law School leadership,We write today as Yale Law students, alumni, and educators ashamed of our alma mater. Within an hour of Donald Trump’s announcement that he would nominate Brett Kavanaugh, YLS ‘90, to the Supreme Court, the law school published a press release boasting of its alumnus’s accomplishment. The school’s post included quotes from Yale Law School professors about Judge Kavanaugh’s intellect, influence and mentorship of their students.Yet the press release’s focus on the nominee’s professionalism, pedigree, and service to Yale Law School obscures the true stakes of his nomination and raises a disturbing question:Is there nothing more important to Yale Law School than its proximity to power and prestige?Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination presents an emergency — for democratic life, for our safety and freedom, for the future of our country. His nomination is not an interesting intellectual exercise to be debated amongst classmates and scholars in seminar. Support for Judge Kavanaugh is not apolitical. It is a political choice about the meaning of the constitution and our vision of democracy, a choice with real consequences for real people. Without a doubt, Judge Kavanaugh is a threat to the most vulnerable. He is a threat to many of us, despite the privilege bestowed by our education, simply because of who we are.

It goes on and on like this at some length before we get to the money line (emphasis is mine):

Now is the time for moral courage — which for Yale Law School comes at so little cost. Perhaps you, as an institution and as individuals, will benefit less from Judge Kavanaugh’s ascendent power if you withhold your support. Perhaps Judge Kavanaugh will be less likely to hire your favorite students. But people will die if he is confirmed. We hope you agree your sacrifice would be worth it. Please use your authority and platform to expose the stakes of this moment and the threat that Judge Kavanaugh poses.

Here are some choice reactions on Twitter:

So did we, Jonah.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Brett Kavanaugh, College Insurrection, US Supreme Court, Yale