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Hungary Quits UN Migration Pact, Calls it a ‘Threat to the World’

Hungary Quits UN Migration Pact, Calls it a ‘Threat to the World’

UN plan to create a “worldwide framework for managing migration”

Hungary has decided to quit the United Nations migration pact ahead of its final approval. Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto slammed the UN-backed accord as a “threat to the world” and “entirely against” his country’s national interests.

“This document is entirely against Hungary’s security interests,” he said. “This pact poses a threat to the world from the aspect that it could inspire millions [of illegal migrants].”

By pulling out of the agreement, Hungary becomes the first European country to align itself with the United States on the issue. Both countries will not be joining 191 UN member nations at the signing of the formal document, due to take place at a ceremony in the Muslim-majority country of Morocco at the end of this year.

Last December, President Donald Trump’s administration withdrew the US out of the UN pact. “We simply cannot in good faith support a process that could undermine the sovereign right of the United States to enforce our immigration laws and secure our borders,” Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson said at that time.

Germany’s dpa news agency reported:

Hungary will withdraw from the UN Global Compact for Migration before it comes into effect, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said Wednesday in Budapest following a government meeting. (…)

“This package goes against Hungary’s common sense and interests,” said Szijjarto. The agreement supports migration and considers it to be a human right, which, according to the minister, is unacceptable from Hungary’s point of view.

The text of the new treaty was agreed at the UN General Assembly last Friday, and aims to create a worldwide framework for managing migration. The Global Compact for Migration will be signed in Morocco in December.

Coincidentally, the UN started drafting this so-called “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration” shortly after President Trump took up office, which raises the question if the pact is designed to ram down aggressive immigration policies amid a surge in nationalist sentiments across the Western World.

The UN has repeatedly attacked Hungary for its restrictive immigration policy towards “refugees,” mostly sturdy fighting-age men from Arab and Muslim countries.

Last April, the UN refugee agency told the European Union countries not to send migrants to Hungary, citing “deep concerns” over country’s stringent immigration law.

Germany and France are pushing for a grand “EU migrant relocation and resettlement scheme” that will force the bloc’s 28 member states to open their borders to hundreds of thousands of migrants. So far, Hungary and other Eastern European states have managed to frustrate such mass relocation measures–attracting ire from the leaders in Paris and Berlin.

Last month, French President Emmanuel Macron threatened sanctions against the EU member states that refuse to accept immigrants. “I am in favor of sanctions being imposed in the event of no cooperation” on migrant relocation, Macron said. Former German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel has also favored similar sanctions against Hungary and other EU countries unwilling to “shoulder the burden” and accept their “fair share” of immigrants.

What seems like a two-pronged assault, the UN has joined the EU in displaying open hostility towards Prime Minister Orbán’s government. “It is time to stand up to the bullies of Mr Orbán’s ilk,” the UN  human rights chief Zeid al-Hussein declared earlier this year. Zeid, also a Jordanian prince, called Hungary’s democratically elected leader a “racist” and “xenophobe.”

Prime Minister Orban isn’t taking these attacks lying down. By defying the mass relocation of migrants into his country, he is standing up to the liberal globalist agenda.

Ahead of the April general election, Orbán’s government ran a nationwide billboard campaign with the message: “The UN wants us to accept migrants on a continuous basis. Hungary Decides, Not the UN!” Orbán won that election in a landslide, winning nearly half of the vote and a two-thirds majority in the country’s parliament.

“We are working on building an old-school Christian democracy, rooted in European traditions” Orbán said after his election victory. “We believe in the importance of the nation and in Hungary we do not want to yield ground to any supranational business or political empire.”

If the UN despises Hungary’s restrictive immigration laws, it loves Germany’s open door immigration policy.

The UN immigration czar Peter Sutherland holds German Chancellor Angela Merkel as a role model for other world leaders to follow. “In my opinion Mrs Merkel is a hero,” said Sutherland, the outgoing UN special representative for international migration and long-time Goldman Sachs boss.

Hungary’s longest serving post-communist prime minister, Orbán, is a hero in his own right. While the EU bigwigs like Federica Mogherini and José Barroso started their political careers in the European Communist parties, Orban fought to end the Communist dictatorship in his country.

When Orbán was out on the streets risking his life, Merkel was loyally serving the East German Communist Party; at one time reportedly acting as the secretary for “Agitation and Propaganda” at a local party unit.

As fate would have it, Orbán and Merkel are once again on the opposing sides of the barricade. And like in the days of the Cold War, Europe’s fate is again in the hands of men like Orbán.

Video: Hungary’s Orban calls for global alliance against mass immigration [March 2018]

[Cover image via YouTube]


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“Global Marxism. Redistibiting the corruption, poverty and stagnation of the 3rd World to a city near you.”

They’ll turn us into beggars ’cause they’re easier to please – Rainmakers

Thou shall not suffer a Marxist to live – Constitution of the Republic of Texas, April 21st 2036

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Fen. | July 20, 2018 at 9:33 am

    Can’t wait for Hungry to start expelling them now!

      Aside from worshiping a tug warlord, Muslims are destined to turn everyplace they migrate to into a shit hole. One of many of their problems is excessive reproduction. Western countries could start a catch, neuter and release program, back to their country of origin, like we currently have for stray cats. While this will not fix low intelligence, it would greatly help to ease poverty.

      Reality is that harsh conditions have over time created higher intelligence in some groups, while others were left behind. The same is true of social attitudes and morals. Most of the world evolved, while Muslims in large part did not.

      Today, we have browns making a host of unreasonable demands. Their condition is not our fault, and we should not put up with their endless nonsense. We, all western nations, need to stop enabling them.

    Thumbs up for the Rainmakers reference.

    moonmoth in reply to Fen. | July 20, 2018 at 12:53 pm

    The LI community’s latest efforts to take the “Stupid and Unhinged in 2018 Award” back from the Left:

    Thou shall not suffer a Marxist to live – Constitution of the Republic of Texas, April 21st 2036

    Western countries could start a catch, neuter and release program, back to their country of origin, like we currently have for stray cats.

    Muslims are destined to turn everyplace they migrate to into a $%& hole.

    I’m a Christian missionary in a foreign, traditionally Catholic country that became a poo-hole with the blessing and connivance of that Church. Muslims who’ve immigrated here — several of whom I’m proud to call friends — are contributing importantly and effectively to improving the region’s health and education. Frankly, they’re better people than are many of the people who post here.

      Immolate in reply to moonmoth. | July 20, 2018 at 1:35 pm

      Thanks you for your work in spreading the gospel of Christ.

      Here’s a tip that may serve you well: when speaking to an audience, always lean toward “relate” on the relate-to-denigrate continuum. Although there a plenty of freedom-loving nationalists here, there aren’t many racists. Don’t conflate the two.

      And yes, JusticeDelivered is one of the few, not one of the many.

      May God bless your work. The fields are white unto harvest, but the laborers are few.

      Juba Doobai! in reply to moonmoth. | July 20, 2018 at 8:54 pm

      You wrote this:

      Muslims who’ve immigrated here — several of whom I’m proud to call friends — are contributing importantly and effectively to improving the region’s health and education.

      You may be proud to call Moslems friends; however, their Koran prevents them from extending that courtesy to you. You are less than a woman in their eyes. As a Christian, if you really are such, they regard you as a polytheist and infidel who is worthy of death for not submitting to Islam or being willing to pay jizya so they can make you a second class citizen.

      Why are you a missionary to a Christian country and not to a Moslem one? I challenge you to go evangelize in a Moslem country. Do that for a few months and tell us if your opinion below holds firm. The Moslem who is a minority in a country does not behave the same as the Moslem in an Islamic country. If you don’t know that, you’re sorely ignorant

      Frankly, they’re better people than are many of the people who post here.

      Judge not, lest ye be judged. You seem to have a distaste for Jews and Christians that is not extended to Moslems. You must belong to the Latter Day crowd.

    mrGAB444 in reply to Fen. | July 20, 2018 at 1:42 pm

    How to create masses of refugees; bomb the shit out their country’s infrastructure forcing them out (young male Muslims only, no Christians), then ship them as required to be used as tools for a world Islamic take over.

    UN slams airstrike on water treatment facility in Syria’s Aleppo

    Will that create more refugees? … yep, that’s the plan. Then Putin will be blamed for the consequences.

    Evidence Shows US Helping ISIL to Survive in Iraq
    by Mario Andrijasevic

    mrGAB444 in reply to Fen. | July 20, 2018 at 1:43 pm

    “The US is an old hand at bombing civilian water supply — did it in Iraq, and Libya, and now Syria. It takes out electricity, schools, and medical facilities too — all sorts of civilian stuff…
    … All war crimes, of course, but what does the US care about that as long as it destroys countries and throw them into chaos? That’s the purpose. ‘Empire of Chaos’ as Pepe Escobar terms it. Naomi Klein wrote a book on it: ~Shock Doctrine~. “

Hungary is still in the Schengen Area. What the UN doesn’t do to it, the EU surely will.

Zeid, also a Jordanian prince, called Hungary’s democratically elected leader a “racist” and “xenophobe.”

In other words, Orban has common sense and good judgement when it comes to institutions manipulating migrants.

    Juba Doobai! in reply to Whitewall. | July 20, 2018 at 8:57 pm

    Let the Moslems clean up their garbage. No other nation should take in Moslems. As Europe is busily finding out, they rape, abuse, rob, kill and generally treat non-Moslem life as nothing.

4th armored div | July 20, 2018 at 9:46 am

this ‘immigration’ impositions is nothing less than turning Europe into an outpost of the Caliphate –
with Nuclear weapons.

the elites in france, germany etc have NO kids and thus just live for themselves.

if you like the eternal palestinian refugees, you will love the
latest version.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to 4th armored div. | July 20, 2018 at 10:26 am

    At some point we either have to relieve countries being overrun by Muslims of nuclear devices, or destroy the devices with a nuke.

Why do people emigrate?
Doesn’t it make more sense to try to eliminate the cause of the problem?
But, no, that would be meddling in the “internal affairs” of all those sh!thole countries. Right? So let’s instead mess with the internal affairs of the countries that have managed to create and maintain stable, functional societies.
The UN is a disgrace.

    tom_swift in reply to Exiliado. | July 20, 2018 at 11:45 am

    Why do people emigrate?

    For the free money.

    Per Milton Friedman, “You cannot simultaneously have free immigration and a welfare state.”

    That apparently won’t stop the Euros from trying.

    Ugh, hand slipped, accidental downvote, apologies. My intended comment: I don’t think you or anyone else reading this should expect the United Nations, of all places, to be opposed to the peoples of third world countries migrating to Europe and gradually wrest power away from the original populations of those nations through the use of democratic systems. Why would they be bothered by this idea, ever? It must sound like sweet honey to their ears, given what the people in such an organization view as Europe’s deep and long-standing sins.

God Bless Orban! One of the few pols in the entire world that is protecting his country.

The Hungarians know all too well the stench of tyranny and when to revolt. It came at a high cost from a different tyrant, but a tyrant is a tyrant even when spelled with ‘U.N.’

“In my opinion Mrs Merkel is a hero,” said Sutherland

Of course. She’s a Communist working hard to destroy western civilization. Just what Sutherland and his fellow Goldman Sachs One-World-Order globalists want.

Screw them. And God bless leaders like Trump and Orban for standing firm for their nations’ interests.

Of course Islamic states and third-world countries love this document – – it absolves countries of attempting to remedy their societal / cultural / socioeconomic dysfunction and pathologies.

Why don’t Leftists ever wonder why people don’t immigrate, en masse, to Islamic countries? Rather, Muslims choose to immigrate to countries managed and run by allegedly inferior “infidels.”

smalltownoklahoman | July 20, 2018 at 12:30 pm

Good on Orban! Hopefully he’ll continue to succeed in staving off the cultural and political rot of the U.N. and the E.U.!

Hungary might get away with closing their borders, but the left will never forgive them for picking on Soros.

Immigration reform is progressed by anti-native factions and a cover-up of conditions in order to avoid emigration reform in the emigres’ nations and communities. It is favored to gerrymander the vote, by diversitists (e.g. racists), welfare profiteers, Planned Parenthood (i.e. compensation for selective-child), and businesses that exploit labor arbitrage.

TOOLS = Refugees
The NWO globalist elites sure have their massive armies of shills and useful idiot leftists ….
“The chaos of bloody street clashes between displaced Muslims and Americans/Europeans could achieve yet other Illuminati goals, including imposition of domestic martial law and suspension of remaining freedoms.”

The Agenda behind the Refugee Crisis | James Perloff
Oct 3, 2015 … … by the rash of violence and fires in 2005 that French police couldn’t contain. … “ Divide and conquer,” of course, is a stock-in-trade tactic of the NWO. … The current immigration crisis was created by the West. … We bombed Libya into utter chaos ..

The NWO globalist puppet leaders want it to get worse; refugees = tools to enable the NWO plan.
If Merkle, May and Macron really wanted to fix the ‘refugee problem’ they would be rebuilding their country’s infrastructure (that was intentionally destroyed by the very same NWO globalists), not crying for more refugees.

Refugees and illegal aliens are the globalist’s tool to create the needed threat for their excuse to censor speech, gun confiscations, limit our freedoms and rights and expand the Federal/UN police state. Strategy for eliminating the 2nd Amendment in the USA and limiting the 1st and 4th (just to get things started).

“Perhaps globalists are using the threat of Islam to consolidate their power through new police freedoms that limit their citizens’ powers.”

destroy national sovereignty, have unelected foreign bureaucrats make our laws Sharia compliant, get control and funding for their own Islamic power base. It has NOTHING to do with ‘peace’ or climate.

In 10-20 years, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Austria will likely become Europe’s top tourist destinations.

Now we know how Islam plans to conquer the world. Everybody knows the UN is controlled by the OIC.