Today’s “peaceful Palestinian protest”: Grenades, pipe bombs, burning tires and setting fire to Gaza gas supply line (Updated)

Here we go again.

The Great March of Return, touted by so-called “human rights” groups and western media as “peaceful protests,” continued its weekly assault on the Gaza-Israel border fence.

As we have documented many times, these are violent and dangerous military operations under cover of civilian protests. The vast majority of people killed at or near the fence have been Hamas and other terror group members.

The environmental crimes by burning thousands of tires have polluted the air and ground. And in the latest tactic, using kites with attached incendiary devices to set fire to Israeli fields and forests:

There also has been a concerted effort to destroy the Kerem Shalom crossing, into which most humanitarian aid to Gaza flows, as well as the gas pipeline at that crossing that supplies fuel to Gaza. We reported on that self-destructive development last week, “Peaceful Palestinian protesters” set fire to gas pipeline supplying fuel to Gaza.

It happened again today. The crowd, urged on by Hamas leadership, threw hurled pipe bombs, rocks, and grenades, sabotaged security infrastructure, and burned tires. They also destroyed the Palestinian side of the crossing and another fire set to the gas line:

Hamas leadership was present, but of course, out of harm’s way:

As always, the cameras are there for the staged “heroic” shots:

Update 5-12-2018

Israel has closed the crossing until further notice:

The Times of Israel reports:

Military and administrative officials toured the Israeli side of the Kerem Shalom goods crossing with the Gaza Strip Saturday, a day after Palestinian rioters torched gas pipes serving the territory as well as a conveyor belt used to transfer goods into the Strip.The damage to the crossing is thought to be in the tens of millions of shekels.On unnamed official told the Ynet news site, “We were astonished by the devastation and destruction Palestinians left in their wake. They’re bringing a disaster upon themselves.”

Tags: Gaza, Hamas, Israel