Democrats Try to Co-opt Trump’s ‘Drain the Swamp’ Message

Democrats have been looking for a message for the 2018 midterms and they finally found one they like. Here’s the funny part. It’s one of Trump’s core talking points.

Caitlin Huey-Burns writes at Real Clear Politics:

Democrats Roll Out Anti-Corruption Message for 2018As part of their midterm pitch to voters, congressional Democrats are unveiling a series of policy proposals Monday aimed at cleaning up a “culture of corruption” in Washington.In other words: Drain the swamp.The party says it isn’t stealing the slogan and sentiment that helped propel Donald Trump to the White House. Instead, Democrats are returning to an anti-corruption message that helped win back the House of Representatives in 2006 against the backdrop of scandals involving lobbyist Jack Abramoff and lawmakers Tom DeLay and Mark Foley. A decade later, Trump seized on a similar theme, directing voter ire at Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton along with lawmakers of both parties in the nation’s capital. And now, with Michael Cohen, Scott Pruitt and others in Trump’s orbit under scrutiny, Democrats believe they have a compelling case to make against the current administration and Republicans in Congress.”The American people are sick of getting a raw deal from Washington and they’re tired of broken promises to ‘drain the swamp,’” reads a memo from Democratic leaders outlining various government reform proposals. “It’s an endless cycle taken to a completely unprecedented level under President Trump, demonstrating a blatant disregard for the laws and norms in place to prevent public corruption.”

That’s rich. Democrats block everything Trump tries to do, then turn around and blame him for failing to keep his promises to the American people. Fun game.

This video report from CBS News says Democrats have unveiled new proposals to exert greater control over the executive branch. Funny how that never occurred to them when Obama was president.

As bad as this new strategy is, there is other news that should have Democrats in a panic. Their lead on the generic ballot is all but gone.

Brett Samuels reports at The Hill:

Reuters poll shows Republicans leading generic ballot for first timeRepublicans hold a slim lead over Democrats in a generic ballot among registered voters, a new Reuters poll found, marking the first time the survey showed the GOP ahead in this election cycle. The poll showed 38.1 percent of registered voters said they would vote for a Republican candidate if midterm elections were held today, compared to just under 37 percent who said they’d vote for a Democrat.

Republicans can’t take any of this for granted, but it’s very encouraging.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2018 Elections, Democrats, Trump Administration