Women’s March Loses Members Due to Leaders’ Ties to Farrakhan

The Women’s March has started to lose staff members and supporters because some of its leaders will not denounce anti-Semitic Louis Farrakhan, the leader of Nation of Islam.

From The New York Post:

The latest to jump ship is high-profile staffer Alyssa Klein, who quit last week as the group’s social-media director.Klein called Farrakhan “a dangerous troll,” and tweeted on March 5 that Women’s March leaders are “turning a blind eye to the hate spoken about a group of people.”Regional branches in Canada, Florida and Washington, DC, have condemned the leadership’s unwillingness to speak out against Farrakhan.And Planned Parenthood, the movement’s most prominent sponsor, dumped Women’s March Co-president Tamika Mallory as a keynote speaker at a luncheon next month.

Mallory attended a speech by Farrakhan in February that he laced with anti-Semitic and homophobic language. He proclaimed that “the powerful Jews are” his enemy while “[W]hite folks are going down” along with Satan and that “by God’s grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew.”

Mallory penned an op-ed in early March, but as I pointed out a few days ago, the lack of self-awareness blew my mind, especially the parts where she wrote that she will stand against anti-Semitism and homophobia. GIRL. You love and defend a man who HATES Jews and gay people.

Not only that, but she even implied that religious leaders should hate Jews because they killed Jesus. (Someone remind her that Jesus was Jewish!)

Leader Carmen Perez loves Farrakhan and notorious anti-Semitic, Israel hater Linda Sarsour spoke at one Nation of Islam even in 2015.

Their support has enraged supporters. The New York Post continued:

“If . . . these Women’s March leaders are attending his sermons and cheering him on, they should be called out and removed from their roles immediately,” Brooklyn activist Tali Goldsheft told The Post.Goldsheft is behind a Change.org petition that calls on Women’s March sponsors to cut ties to “hate” and seeks a purge of the movement’s leadership.“You feel stabbed in the back. It feels like someone you trust just punched you in the gut . . . I’m really wounded,” said former Women’s March supporter Nisi Jacobs, 49, a Manhattan resident.Jacobs, who helped draft the Change.org petition to depose Mallory and the rest of the Women’s March leadership, has launched an alternative group, Women’s March For All.“I’d had enough,” Jacobs said.

I honestly doubt that this will affect anyone. After all, we have known for the looooongest time that Farrakhan hates Jews, gays, and white people. Professor Jacobson pointed this out in The Washington Times:

“Many progressive Jews have reacted with shock to the Farrakhan adoration from leaders of the Women’s March,” said Cornell Law School professor William A. Jacobson. “That Farrakhan connection, however, has been public and unapologetic for years.”Even before Mr. Farrakhan gave a shout-out to Ms. Mallory at his Feb. 25 Saviours’ Day speech, the Women’s March had been accused of anti-Semitism through its link to convicted Palestinian terrorist Rasmea Odeh, who has been embraced by Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour.“Rather than treating the alignment of the Women’s March leaders with a notorious anti-Semite as an aberration, progressive Jews need to ask themselves whether it reflects a deeper anti-Semitism in the progressive world, masquerading as anti-Zionism,” said Mr. Jacobson, who runs the conservative Legal Insurrection blog.

Tags: Antisemitism, Feminism, Racism, Women's March