Where am I

Apple Tree blown down

Been off the grid mostly the past few days, without electricity after the Nor’easter that hit the Northeast, but particularly Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts.

Not only did we lose electricity for several days, but we also lost our favorite tree, an old Apple tree at our shore. It had lost a lot of its branches, but it made a great silhouette. We had an arborist trim it to keep it healthy last fall.

But the winds snapped the trunk.

I’ve also never seen such high tides, which came right over and around our existing wood seawall due to the winds. We’re replacing it with a rip-rap seawall in about a month.

Amidst all that storm stuff, we were getting ready to travel to Cleveland to try to deal with my wife’s continuing and worsening health problems. We’ll be at the Cleveland Clinic most of the month of March. I don’t talk about personal things very much, but the situation is dire. But I can’t and won’t give up hope.

I haven’t been able to follow the political trials and tribulations as much as usual. That’s been a months-long, and now years-long issue.

On the way here, we sat next to a woman on the plane who had this cell phone case:

We asked her if anyone gave her a problem about it, and she said no, and if they did, she’d give it right back to them.

So that’s what’s happening to me, and where I’ve been.

Tags: Blogging