Twitter Hosts Women’s March Leader Connected to Louis Farrakhan

Twitter Hosts Womens March Leader

Well, now we know where Twitter stands I guess. The social media platform hosted Women’s March leader Tamika Mallory despite her connections to rabid anti-Semitic Louis Farrakhan.

From The Daily Caller:

Mallory attended a Nation of Islam convention in February, when Farrakhan railed against Jews and white people. Farrakhan took time out of his speech to praise Mallory, and she was seen on camera applauding at one point during his speech. The Women’s March leader also praised Farrakhan on social media as the “greatest of all time.”After a backlash from the Anti-Defamation League and other Jewish organizations, Mallory defended Farrakhan by implying that religious leaders are supposed to consider Jews their enemies. “If your leader does not have the same enemies as Jesus, they may not be THE leader!” she wrote on Twitter.

I…I have no words. None.

It’s quite disappointing to see Twitter host Mallory because something tells me the company wouldn’t invite Nazis or members of the KKK.

Farrakhan has captured more heat recently after CNN’s Jake Tapper held the anti-Semite’s feet to the fire. Farrakhan and other supporters, including those in Congress, have vilified Tapper, who is Jewish, and those who dare point out that the Nation of Islam’s leader is a racist bigot.

Mallory has had no problem reaffirming her support of Farrakhan. After all, why should she when hardly anyone will push back? She penned this op-ed and the lack of self-awareness blows my mind (emphasis mine):

I am the same woman who helped to build an intersectional movement that fights for the rights of all people and stands against hatred and discrimination of all forms. I am the same person today that I was before Saviour’s Day, which begs the question – why are my beliefs being questioned now?I was raised in activism and believe that as historically oppressed people, Blacks, Jews, Muslims and all people must stand together to fight racism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. I believe that LGBTQAI people are not an abomination or a creation of man, but simply people, and that religion is not to be used as a tool to abuse, divide, harm, bully or intimidate.

She says, “Wherever my people are is where I must be.” So…your people are anti-Semitic racists? OK.

Mallory, you support and prop up a MAN WHO REGULARLY SPEWS ANTI-SEMITIC LANGUAGE. So yes that’s why we’re questioning your beliefs.

Tags: Antisemitism, Culture, Twitter, Women's March