The Pence Family Shows Grace in the Face of John Oliver’s Childish Antics

God bless the Pence family. They’ve been attacked, criticized, and maligned repeatedly for living godly and virtuous lives and always respond with grace and dignity.

Earlier this month, Vice President Pence’s wife Karen and their daughter Charlotte released a book called Marlon Bundo’s A Day in the Life of the Vice President. Marlon Bundo (who I’ve blogged about before) is the Vice Bunny of the United States. He made the trip to the Imperial City shortly after the inauguration last year.

Charlotte and Karen Pence spoke with Townhall about their book:

Both of the Pence women were able to exercise their talents for the project, they shared with Townhall on Monday. Charlotte, who wrote the poetry in the book, has been “writing for as long as she can remember.” She studied screen writing and creative writing in undergrad and described it as a definite “passion” of hers.For Karen, painting is something that she loves to do, although the past year most of her artwork consisted of Marlon Bundo watercolors.The book is intended for children, but I wondered if it also gave the Pences a chance to show off a bit of their personality.”In the beginning, we just thought it would be a fun thing,” Mrs. Pence said. “Then the more she changed her idea, I think she realized this would be an educational book because a lot of people don’t know what the vice president does. The last few pages can serve as a study guide for teachers to go through some of the facts about the vice president’s job.”

Marlon Bundo is joining the Pence ladies on their book tour. Proceeds from the book go to an art therapy charity (an issue dear to Karen Pence’s heart) and an organization that works to stop sex trafficking.

Cute bunny, cute book, perfectly appropriate for the second family.

And then John Oliver found out about the book. Oliver, the British host of an HBO show, wrote his own version of the book, but in his rendition, Marlon Bundo is gay and marries another male bunny.

So witty! So edgy! The Pence’s are Christian so making their bunny gay is SO FUNNY! HAHAHA.

On Seth Myers’ Late Night, Oliver said he wrote the book as way to open discussion about Pence’s “homophobic views.”

From Deadline:

“He emphatically is a homophobe,” Oliver insisted, of Pence. “We did a whole piece about his appalling views over his career – especially his friend James Dobson, who is an appalling human being, started an organization called Focus on the Family.”“Sadly, one of their book events is at Focus on the Family” Oliver said of the Colorado Springs-based org that espoused conversion therapy.“A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo,” written and published “on the quiet,” is about Pence’s bunny falling in love with another male bunny and getting married. “Because that’s absolutely fine,” Oliver said. “It’s a sweet children’s book.”It features a white-haired Stink Bug vehemently opposed to the marriage. “If you really squint, I supposed you could say that looks like [Pence] because of his hair and his general demeanor and his attitude towards gays,” Oliver conceded.Meyers informed his viewers that Oliver’s Bundo bunny book is outselling the Pence family’s book, “Marlon Bundo’s A Day in the Life of The Vice President,” written by Veeps daughter and illustrated by his wife. Oliver’s bunny book also has kicked former FBI Director James Comey’s upcoming book out of Amazon’s No. 1 spot.“At that point it’s getting ridiculous,” Oliver laughed. As of taping Tuesday, Oliver’s book had sold 180K copies, “which is definitely more than we were prepared for.”“A Day In The Life Of Marlon Bundo” also is getting 4.9 out of 5 stars in Amazon reviews. Some of the one-star reviews have been written by people trolling Trump/Pence voters. Reviews that read, “I fear the writing is above President Trump’s reading level,” and “Love this book posting one star to annoy all the homophobes who will read this and find I think the book is absolutely fabulous.”“That is some high level trolling…Well done, internet,” Oliver beamed.Though sold out, Oliver promised a second printing will have copies in book stores in days.And Meyers reminded, proceeds are going to the Trevor Project and AIDS United.

Though his ‘epic trollishness’ is admired and cheered, Oliver outed himself as just another Hollywood liberal incapable of understanding that it’s possible to believe marriage ought to be between a man and a woman while also loving people, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Neither does Oliver seem aware that he’s supposedly combatting Pence’s ‘hateful’ views by…being hateful.

True to form, the Pence’s responded to Oliver’s book graciously. In an interview with Fox Business, Charlotte Pence said she was “all for” Oliver’s parody, the proceeds of which are also supporting two charities.


Tags: Culture, Hollywood, Mike Pence