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Man Awaiting Trial for Allegedly Sending White Powder to Donald Trump Jr. Released on Bail

Man Awaiting Trial for Allegedly Sending White Powder to Donald Trump Jr. Released on Bail

“sent in hopes of triggering fear and a hazmat response”

Daniel Frisiello, the man who allegedly sent envelopes containing white powder to Donald Trump Jr. earlier this month, has been freed from jail while he waits for his trial by a Massachusetts judge.

Vanessa Trump, wife of Donald Trump Jr., was rushed to a hospital after opening the envelope.

Frisiello is confined to his home and prohibited from using the internet and from mailing anything.

Julie Manganis reports at The Salem News:

Beverly man released while awaiting trial for hoax letters

Frisiello, 24, will be confined to his family’s home, monitored by a GPS bracelet, and barred from using the internet or mail while awaiting trial.

The decision followed a hearing where a postal inspector described numerous earlier letters, most of them containing some type of threat and one that had also contained white powder that had been sent by Frisiello.

The letters included ones sent to other, unidentified members of the Trump family warning them of consequences if now President Donald Trump did not drop out of the presidential race in 2016, as well as an earlier letter to Trump Jr., the president’s son…

U.S. District Court Chief Magistrate David Hennessy acknowledged that Frisiello, 24, had committed dangerous acts by sending the letters — which he admitted he sent in hopes of triggering fear and a hazmat response — but concluded that because of Frisiello’s autism, and the support of a large family, he could safely be released under the supervision of his parents.

“There is a village there,” Hennessy said, referring to the 40 to 50 people packing the Worcester courtroom.

There is a village? Is the justice system suddenly based on the titles of books by Hillary Clinton?

Here’s another gem from the report:

Frisiello’s autism came up repeatedly during the hearing, where his mother was called to the stand by the judge to describe the living arrangements at their home…

The judge also said he shared the concern of defense lawyer William Fick, who said that Frisiello is suffering in a prison environment because of his sensitivity to loud noises.

Oh, prison is unpleasant? Who knew?

Frisiello may have autism, but his crime is a serious one and it turns out he has been accused of this before now.

Scott J. Croteau reports at Mass Live:

Massachusetts man accused of sending threats to Donald Trump Jr. sent letters to judge in Boston Marathon bombing case, authorities say

Investigators testified that Frisiello sent letters to several police departments, a judge, Trump’s family and others years before he sent the five letters containing the powder this year.

Postal Inspector Michael J. Connelly from the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, said deputies from the U.S. Marshal’s Office visited Frisiello’s Beverly home in October 2014.

Under a fake name, Frisiello sent letters to a prosecutor involved in the trial against Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev along with the federal Judge George O’Toole Jr., who presided over the case.

“You have to be real careful of who you let into your courtroom,” the letter to the judge said.

The letter to the prosecutor discussed Frisiello’s stance against the death penalty, Connelly testified.

Letters sent by Frisiello before 2018 did not contain powder, but did include threats, the investigator said.

A company in Massachusetts received a letter in September 2015 containing threats. The company fired one of Frisiello’s parents the day before.

So he’s allegedly a repeat offender but not to worry folks because “there’s a village” to keep him from sending any more threatening letters to anyone.

After all, that’s obviously worked so far, right?

Featured image via YouTube.


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Bitterlyclinging | March 13, 2018 at 11:07 am

Chief Magistrate David Hennessy would’ve been a likely Obama judicial appointee in the Sonia Sotomayer mode.

“acknowledged that Frisiello, 24, had committed dangerous acts by sending the letters — which he [Frisiello] admitted he sent in hopes of triggering fear and a hazmat response”

I think Frisiello could have achieved that end just by sending a picture of himself. Yikes!

So is the defense going to claim mental ? For a repeat offender? This judge considering that jail is a jarring environment for this young youth a issue is glaring to me, just as Mike’s mention of the “village”. Good grief.

All set up for a light rap on the knuckles and the court will say… ” well, we all know Trump Jr. is a rat and this boy meant nothing but a little scare .. ” I’m calling it now.. the “kid” will get to plea down and in any event, a suspended sentence with parole to live with his village-people. Pathetic.

Bucky Barkingham | March 13, 2018 at 11:52 am

Autism is the excuse to release him? Didn’t the last two mass school shooters have autism?

casualobserver | March 13, 2018 at 12:00 pm

If autism is now being used as a factor by judges in bail and perhaps eventually penalty phases, I wonder how long before other mental disorders or simply “problems” including depression will be added to the list.

We may soon find out how far the legal system can morph since the Constitution is not “living and breathing” enough for many activists.

    YellowGrifterInChief in reply to casualobserver. | March 13, 2018 at 12:25 pm

    Just what part of the Constitution has been violated?

    You can speculate all you want on what his punishment might be if he is convicted. In the mean time, if he abides by the conditions of his release he is not a danger to anyone.

    I may not agree with the decision, but it is hardly an outrage.

    Rick the Curmudgeon in reply to casualobserver. | March 13, 2018 at 6:08 pm

    If autism is now being used as a factor by judges in bail and perhaps eventually penalty phases, I wonder how long before other mental disorders or simply “problems” including depression will be added to the list.

    casualobserver, that’s the scariest damn thing I’ve read in a long time. Right up there with “Extreme Risk Protection Order”.

I don’t have a problem with them the judge releasing him to his home. Hopefully, the judge will do a full investigation of how autistic he is before he sentences him. Plenty of autistic kids wear earplugs because noises bother them. The idea of jail is punishment, not torture.

Ok, if there’s a village, how about having the village pay for all the chaos this young man is causing? Or at least, hold that threat over them, the better to encourage better behavior.

If this man’s “autism” is such that he cannot live in society without committing criminal acts then he should be institutionalized in such a way that he can be consistently monitored.

4th armored div | March 13, 2018 at 1:51 pm

“There is a village there,”

maybe Poker-Hount-us can provide a ‘safe space’, what you think ?

Now we know what the “antifa” clowns look like when the mask comes off.

More likely they released him because he was gobbling up all the food in the jail.

Did anyone check to see if he’s been sending packages to Austin?

Subotai Bahadur | March 13, 2018 at 6:30 pm

I expect that he will turn up, armed, in DC while awaiting trial. Weapon furnished by the DNC.

So we can finally match a face with the name Yellow Snake.