Lewis & Clark Law School protesters shout down and disrupt Christina Hoff Sommers

Christina Hoff Sommers at Lewis & Clark Law School protest

Christina Hoff Sommers was invited the the Lewis & Clark Law School Federalist Society chapter.

The “anti-fascist” coalition at the law school decided she should not be allowed to speak. Apparently having a different opinion, and fact checking the statistics behind claims of a campus rape crisis and wage differential makes one “fascist”.

The preparations reminded me of my appearance at Vassar, where student and faculty activists spread absurd lies about me and the student government demanded my appearance be cancelled.

Unlike my appearance at Vassar, where despite the feeding frenzy no one interrupted or disrupted my lecture, the coalition of students repeatedly disrupted Sommer’s appearance, shouted her down and drowned her out with chants and music.

According to Sommers, she was only able to give half her lecture. Here are some videos and reports from Andy Ngo, who covers many of the social justice warrior antics in the Pacific Northwest.

This post will be updated as more information becomes known. The big question is whether there will be repercussions for the students who deprived a speaker and those who came to hear her of their free speech rights.

Additional shout-downs are planned for her other planned appearances:

Tags: Antifa, Christina Hoff Sommers, Free Speech