Drunk News Networks: Desperate for Ratings, Network News Interviews Drunk Former Trump Aide

Monday, former Trump aide Sam Nunberg gave a bizarre interview to the Washington Post, saying he was going to ignore the subpoena to appear before a federal grand jury.

Later, Nunberg went on a network news tour, where, in a strange stream of consciousness, Nunberg spilled his guts on everything from White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders to why Trump loves Corey [Lewandowski] more.

Nunberg first called into ‘The Lead’ with Jake Tapper on CNN. We covered that here.

Then made the rounds joining Erin Burnett on CNN (video beneath) and Ari Melber on MSNBC; each interview more erratic than the last.

MSNBC even described the interview as “historic.”

The trainwreck saturated the news cycle.

But Nunberg’s friends were rightly concerned about his wellbeing.

CNN hostess Erin Burnett said live, on air, “talking to you, I have smelled alcohol on your breath…I know it’s awkward.”

And yet, Burnett continued with the interview.

After the media circus, Numberg told the AP he would cooperate with Mueller’s investigation after all.

He’s now apologizing for some of the things he said:

Nunberg should not have been interviewed on live TV, not when it was clear he was likely drunk or at the very least, unwell. Worse still, hosts like Burnett were told Nunberg was unwell and had no business being on live TV.

Ratings > any sense of humanity or rightness. That’s exactly why the public hates the media. They never miss an opportunity to exploit someone when they’re down.

Tags: CNN, MSNBC, Robert Mueller, Russia, Trump Russia