Tom Steyer Hires Army of Operatives With Eye Toward Impeachment

The liberal billionaire Tom Steyer recently distanced himself from Democrats after their failure to secure a DACA deal during the government shutdown. Now he’s surrounding himself with a large team of operatives.

The NTK Network reports:

2020 Watch: Tom Steyer Has Hired 50 Political and Communications OperativesLiberal billionaire and environmental activist Tom Steyer announced, on Thursday, that he has hired 50 full-time staffers as part of his Need to Impeach campaign, which is starting to look more like a launching pad for Steyer’s 2020 presidential ambitions.Steyer launched “Need to Impeach,” in 2017, as part of his effort to impeach President Donald Trump, and has previously announced that he would spend $40 million on the campaign.“Need to Impeach Founder Tom Steyer today announced that he has hired an experienced political team including political and communications strategists to lead the campaign that now has nearly 4.6 million supporters calling on Congress to impeach Donald Trump,” the Need to Impeach press release stated.“The team, including 50 staff members, is adding thousands of new supporters to the impeachment movement each day, creating a digital army of activists who are mobilizing to take back the House of Representatives in the 2018 election and remove Trump from power.”Jim Brunner of the Seattle Times tweeted out the press release from Need to Impeach:

It’ll be fascinating to see how Democrats react to this. As recently as November, Nancy Pelosi made it clear she was cutting all the impeachment talk.

Jamie Ducharme reported at Time:

Nancy Pelosi: Impeaching President Trump Would Be a Waste of Time and EnergyTwo days after a group of Democrats made moves to impeach President Donald Trump, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said during a speech that impeaching Trump would be a waste of time and energy, because “he’s just not that important.”Pelosi, who spoke at Hearst’s offices on Friday, said Democrats’ priority should not be removing Trump from office, according to tweets from Cosmopolitan features editor Emma Barker. “Republicans would love for us to make our campaigns about the impeachment of Trump,” she said. “That’s not what it’s about. It’s about the well-being of American families.”The longtime congresswoman has publicly denounced impeachment efforts in the past. Earlier this month, she told Politico that impeachment proceedings are “not someplace that I think we should go.”

If this is all a precursor to Tom Steyer running for president, that’s even better. He’ll take votes away from the Democratic candidate, not Trump.

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, Progressives, Tom Steyer