Senator Bill Nelson: Gun Debate Will Help Democrats

Bill Nelson, the Democrat Senator from Florida, seems to think the gun control debate is going to help his party in the midterms. Gun control is normally a loser issue, but you have to understand that when Nelson says ‘gun control debate’ what he really means is the coordinated smear campaign against Republicans and the NRA that began with CNN’s town hall event.

Nelson let the mask slip in a recent interview. Matt Vespa writes at Townhall:

It’s Not About Saving Lives: Democratic Senator Says Gun Debate Will Help His Party In MidtermsDid anyone catch Sen. Bill Nelson’s (D-FL) rather gratuitous swipe at Gov. Rick Scott on Wednesday? CNN held a town hall event in Sunrise, Florida hosted by Jake Tapper, where National Rifle Association Dana Loesch and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) literally ventured into the lion’s den. Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL) also participated. It was a two-hour bashing of Rubio, the NRA, Loesch, every law-abiding gun owner, and every supporter of the Second Amendment. It was show trial, a North Korean kangaroo court that resembled something out of the two minutes of hate from Orwell’s 1984.Rubio was likened to shooter Nikolas Cruz, who shot and killed 17 people and wounded at least a dozen more at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14 in Parkland, Florida. Loesch was called a murderer.

Vespa then points to an article in the Orlando Sentinel:

Nelson: Gun debate, other issues will help DemocratsThe debate over guns, the “me too” movement against sexual misconduct and the federal government’s handling of hurricane recovery in Puerto Rico will give Florida Democrats victories up and down the November ballot, U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson predicted Thursday.During a meeting with state House Democrats, he also said two special elections in Florida this year in which Democrats flipped Republican-held seats is further proof that Democrats are poised to have a strong election year.“You stir that all into the mix — and who knows what else is going to happen at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue between now and November — and I think there is a movement,” Nelson told House Democratic Leader Janet Cruz. “These issues are going to help Democrats.”…Nelson said the debate will help all Democrats on the ballot.

Here’s a video of the moment when Nelson went after Scott:

Dan Merica of CNN reminds us why Nelson is going after Governor Rick Scott. He is expected to challenge Nelson for that senate seat:

Nelson’s town hall comments show he is gearing up for a race against Scott for Florida Senate seatDemocratic Sen. Bill Nelson attended CNN’s town hall on Wednesday night to talk about school safety and gun violence. But by the end of the night, the vulnerable senator up for reelection this year proved one thing clearly: He is gearing up for a fight against Florida Gov. Rick Scott.Scott, who declined to attend citing state business, was front of mind for Nelson throughout the event that aimed to discuss school safety in the wake of the Parkland school shooting that left 17 people dead last week.”There is no representative of the state of Florida,” Nelson said at the open of the town hall. “Our governor did not come here.”The comments previewed what to expect during what could be a hotly contested race between Nelson and Scott, with the sitting senator showing he is prepared to hammer the governor on guns whenever he gets the chance. Scott has yet to declare his intention to run against Nelson, but national and Florida Republicans — including President Donald Trump, who won the state in his presidential election last year — are eager for him to get in.

At the end of the day, this is all just about politics.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2018 Elections, Democrats, Gun Control