Majority Now Support Tax Reform

Democrats promised the passage of tax reform would spell certain doom, but their absurd fear mongering was all for naught.

Seeing proof that Trump’s tax reform package positively impacted their bank accounts, the majority now support the legislation.

A poll released by the New York Times Monday showed a steady uptick in support since the passage of tax reform, with disapproval for the measure slipping.

Newsmax summarized key data points from the survey:

In the upcoming midterm elections, Democrats have unwisely invested a huge chunk of political capital in their opposition to tax reform.

The NYT explains:

“Public opinion is moving in the direction of this bill,” said Jon Cohen, chief research officer for SurveyMonkey. “Considering where it was, it is dramatically different.”Mr. Cohen cautioned that the bill still was not particularly popular, and opposition among Democrats remained strong. Still, support has grown even among Democrats, from 8 percent just before the bill passed in December to 19 percent this month. For Democrats, Mr. Cohen said, running on opposition to the bill has become more of a political gamble.“It’s less of a sure bet than it seemed in December,” he said. “This isn’t a problem yet for Democrats, but the movement isn’t a positive one.”Other recent polls have shown similar upswings for the law, including a Monmouth University Poll in late January that found support for it had risen to 44 percent nationally, from 26 percent in December.“I think we are essentially seeing Republicans ‘come home’ on the tax plan in our data,” said Lori Weigel, a partner with Public Opinion Strategies, a Republican polling firm. “That is certainly in part due to consistent communications about the tax plan and the news coverage of prominent companies investing in workers.”Democrats have done little to counter the Republican messaging and concede it has had an effect, along with a series of high-profile company announcements of bonuses, raises or other benefits attributed to tax savings.But they are ramping up efforts to rebrand the law as disproportionately helping shareholders and the wealthy, and they contend the boost from bonus announcements will fade.

The successful passage of tax reform was a boon for Trump’s approval numbers too. Last week, I blogged about the steady upswing of Trump’s (and generic Republican ballot) approval ratings. Those numbers directly coincide with the tax overhaul deal.

Republicans aren’t in the clear heading into the midterms, but this is one more indicator that the media-touted blue wave is not a sure bet. At least not at this point.

Tags: Taxes, Trump Popularity