Confirmed: Clinton operative Sidney Blumenthal helped spread Russia collusion fever before the election
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Confirmed: Clinton operative Sidney Blumenthal helped spread Russia collusion fever before the election

Confirmed: Clinton operative Sidney Blumenthal helped spread Russia collusion fever before the election

The Clintons created a media and law enforcement echo chamber of Russia collusion.

Earlier this week we wrote about the possible involvement of Clinton operative Sidney Blumenthal in feeding information to Christoper Steele, author of the infamous Clinton/DNC funded dossier. That dossier formed a key part of the FBI’s presentation to the FISA court to obtain a warrant to surveil Carter Page.

One of the key links in the Blumenthal-Steele stories was former State Department employee Jonathan Winer:

Devin Nunes has a new target: Jonathan Winer, the Obama State Department’s special envoy to Libya, and longtime Senate aide to John Kerry. Winer received a memorandum written by political activist Cody Shearer and passed it along to Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence official who had compiled his own dossier on Donald Trump.

The release of last week’s House Intelligence Committee memo accusing the FBI of surveillance abuses marked the end of the first phase of Nunes’s investigation into the probe of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election. Now, the committee chair told Fox News on Friday, the probe is moving into “phase two,” which involves the State Department. His focus is on the dossier compiled by Shearer, and passed along by Winer, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

That Blumenthal was the source of the information passed on to Winer appeared to be confirmed by Trey Gowdy in an interview with Martha McCallum, Trey Gowdy suggests Clinton operative Sidney Blumenthal fed info to Steele weeks before election:

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., strongly implied to Fox News Tuesday night that Clinton family confidant Sidney Blumenthal was a key link in a chain of information that helped create the controversial Trump-Russia dossier.

Gowdy told Fox News’ “The Story” that “when you hear who … one of the sources of that information is, you’re going to think, ‘Oh my gosh, I’ve heard that name somewhere before.’”

When host Martha MacCallum asked if he was referring to Blumenthal, Gowdy answered, “That’d be really warm. You’re warm, yeah.”

Winer has published an Op-Ed at WaPo in which he confirms his involvement with Blumenthal, though he downplays its significance, Devin Nunes is investigating me. Here’s the truth.

… In the summer of 2016, Steele told me that he had learned of disturbing information regarding possible ties between Donald Trump, his campaign and senior Russian officials. He did not provide details but made clear the information involved “active measures,” a Soviet intelligence term for propaganda and related activities to influence events in other countries.

In September 2016, Steele and I met in Washington and discussed the information now known as the “dossier.” Steele’s sources suggested that the Kremlin not only had been behind the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign but also had compromised Trump and developed ties with his associates and campaign.

I was allowed to review, but not to keep, a copy of these reports to enable me to alert the State Department. I prepared a two-page summary and shared it with Nuland, who indicated that, like me, she felt that the secretary of state needed to be made aware of this material.

In late September, I spoke with an old friend, Sidney Blumenthal, whom I met 30 years ago when I was investigating the Iran-contra affair for then-Sen. Kerry and Blumenthal was a reporter at The Post. At the time, Russian hacking was at the front and center in the 2016 presidential campaign. The emails of Blumenthal, who had a long association with Bill and Hillary Clinton, had been hacked in 2013 through a Russian server.

While talking about that hacking, Blumenthal and I discussed Steele’s reports. He showed me notes gathered by a journalist I did not know, Cody Shearer, that alleged the Russians had compromising information on Trump of a sexual and financial nature.

What struck me was how some of the material echoed Steele’s but appeared to involve different sources.

On my own, I shared a copy of these notes with Steele, to ask for his professional reaction. He told me it was potentially “collateral” information. I asked him what that meant. He said that it was similar but separate from the information he had gathered from his sources. I agreed to let him keep a copy of the Shearer notes.

Given that I had not worked with Shearer and knew that he was not a professional intelligence officer, I did not mention or share his notes with anyone at the State Department. I did not expect them to be shared with anyone in the U.S. government.

But I learned later that Steele did share them — with the FBI, after the FBI asked him to provide everything he had on allegations relating to Trump, his campaign and Russian interference in U.S. elections.

The Clintons created a media and law enforcement echo chamber of Russia collusion.

Hillary’s campaign and the DNC paid for the Steele dossier. Other Clinton operatives, such as Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer, were spreading similar accusations and sharing information with Steele. Steele was also feeding accusations to the media. Employees of the FBI and possibly other agencies who hated Trump used that information both before and after the election.

In assessing the threats that Hillary and Trump posed to our liberty, respectively, in October 2016 I wrote that Hillary represented the greater threat because Hillary was “a systemic threat.”

I was right.


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You have seen The Big Lie in action.

Give them enough rope and…

Everything goes back to Clinton finger prints. Until they are exposed and brought down this will not end. The network of people is vast and many have no choice but to obstruct and evade to keep out of jail.

It is true the Russians used all the new media to meddle in our last election process and may still be…but the only direct meddling by any government in the actual election was done by our own government.

regulus arcturus | February 9, 2018 at 9:25 am

Not only were you right professor, you were well ahead of the game.

This conspiracy is far worse than first suspected, and reaches deeper than anyone knows at this moment.

Sufficient evidence exists to convene grand juries, so where are they…?

PERHAPS by the negative kabbalah this makes sense. While Jews are the worlds greatest asset, and Israel America’s greatest friend and brother: individual Jews when they fall into the negative can be very potently dangerous. And not just like a Bette Midler or Harvey Weinstein style dangerous. Like a Sidney Blumenthal dangerous. And Putin knows this aspect too, as does Trump. Good for all of us.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to bvw. | February 9, 2018 at 10:48 am

    “While Jews are the worlds greatest asset”

    Especially Ashkenaz Jews.

    All groups produce good and bad players, but Jews accomplishments make them stand out as Humanity’s greatest asset.

      Persian Jews in America are proving to be a very powerful force in the country – and they mostly vote conservative. (This group was the focus of political prosecution by disgraced former president barack hussein obama and and the two scummy, malignant clowns he put in charge of the justice department: eric holder and loretta lynch.)

    That’s a silly statement, intimating Jews have a unusual number of evil members of their religion and culture.

    Jews are a super-successful minority, and very visible to the rest of the work. Hence, their being singled-out for violence by losers and pathetically ignorant narcissists (like bette midler and jane fonda, msnbc clowns, etc.) or their fascist handlers (sarsourpuss, obama, klinton, ny times, soros) trying to organize losers and narcissists.

    They certainly have their suicidal useful idiots, but then most of the New Hitler Young college kids and millenials are just as brainwashed and suicidal – regardless of their religion or ethnicity or color.

It will be interesting to see how the legacy media pivots on this. Some have called Carter Page a spy, and he was a private citizen. He is suing.

There may be others who have been libeled.

Maybe off topic, but is there anyone at all at CNN who is not a former CIA employee?

    Ragspierre in reply to Petrushka. | February 9, 2018 at 9:49 am

    “Some have called Carter Page a spy, and he was a private citizen. He is suing.”

    WHEN was Page a private citizen? And aren’t spies often private citizens?

      Tom Servo in reply to Ragspierre. | February 9, 2018 at 11:30 am

      Even someone as credulous as yourself should know that, if we are not at war with a foreign country, there are no restrictions on anyone who is not currently employed by the US Government about talking to anyone in that country. And no, we do not label private persons “spies”, we reserve that title for those persons who are employed by our government, whether by the military or civilian branches, who are tasked with gaining covert intelligence, in one way or another, from a foreign government. They may be covert, but they are not “private persons” under any rational definition.

      There have been periods, I believe, where Carter Page was employed by the government. But there is no evidence to support the claim that he was a Government Employee during the time frame in question. Therefore, he was under no legal restrictions as to who he could and could not speak to, in this country or any other.

      In case you doubt that, ask yourself why Carter Page has not been accused of any actual crime? Even after 4 years of surveillance of everything he ever said or wrote, not even jaywalking can be pinned on him.

        Milhouse in reply to Tom Servo. | February 9, 2018 at 12:19 pm

        And no, we do not label private persons “spies”, we reserve that title for those persons who are employed by our government, whether by the military or civilian branches, who are tasked with gaining covert intelligence, in one way or another, from a foreign government.

        (a) That refers only to our spies. Other countries’ spies on us are often/usually not employed by our government.

        (b) Even with regard to our spies it’s wrong. Our government, like every other government in the world, often recruits private citizens as spies. They are doing their spying on behalf of our government, but they are not its employees.

          Tom Servo in reply to Milhouse. | February 9, 2018 at 1:19 pm

          I suppose I wasn’t as clear as I could have been – what I was trying to convey was that an actual “spy” is always working for someone else, usually a government. (there is industrial espionage, of course) The “employee” designation is too restrictive in a covert world, acknowledged. What I meant to distinguish is that if you, for example were to ask me if I was a “spy” and I said “yes, of course I am!” and you then asked “well who for?” and I said “just me”, then you would be right to consider me to be a lunatic with sad delusions of grandeur. Not a “spy” at all.

          Getting back to Carter Page, he is threatening to sue because he says he wasn’t working for anyone else during the time some have claimed he was a “spy” – a pretty reckless move if there’s anyone out there who can prove that he was.

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | February 9, 2018 at 1:59 pm

          In that case I’m at a loss to understand your point, or your objection to Rags’s comment.

        Ragspierre in reply to Tom Servo. | February 9, 2018 at 9:53 pm

        “Therefore, he was under no legal restrictions as to who he could and could not speak to, in this country or any other.”

        Boy, talk about “credulous”…!!! EVERY “private citizen” is CERTAINLY under a “legal restriction” about WHAT they may do or say in both the U.S. and abroad.

        Remember that this mook was a T-rump advisor.

        “In case you doubt that, ask yourself why Carter Page has not been accused of any actual crime? Even after 4 years of surveillance of everything he ever said or wrote, not even jaywalking can be pinned on him.”

        You know jack-shit about what “can” be pinned on him.

        Since I have you here, where’s the link you were going to beat me up with, nancie boi…???

      Milhouse in reply to Ragspierre. | February 9, 2018 at 11:31 am

      When was he not a private citizen? When has he worked for the government? (I take it that’s what Petrushka meant.) And sure, private citizens can easily be spies. But going on public information there’s never been any reason to suppose Page was, and yet Petrushka points out that some have done so. How much more so these people who have been intimately involved in government, and seem much closer to Russian agents than Page ever got.

    ooddballz in reply to Petrushka. | February 10, 2018 at 2:44 pm

    Maybe off topic, but is there anyone at all at CNN who is not a former CIA employee?

    Well, I hear the janitor only worked for the F.B.I.

cjharrispretzer | February 9, 2018 at 10:07 am

I thought it was bad….it’s far worse than I even thought. My mouth won’t shut—it’s just hanging open.

Mueller’s assignment letter tasked him with investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election but he is only fishing for Trump collusion and ignoring the obvious associations of Hillary’s campaigns and the DNC with Russian agents and the transfer of money to foreigners for campaign related activities

    TX-rifraph in reply to MarkS. | February 9, 2018 at 10:19 am

    “Mueller’s assignment letter…”

    If you want to know his actual assignment, look at his behavior. The letter is for consumption by the benighted voters.

Paul In Sweden | February 9, 2018 at 10:24 am

As far as ROI goes, I feel that the Clinton’s and the DNC got a lot of bang for their buck. Let’s hope they get more than they bargained for and they get mowed down by this runaway Russian Collusion Train.

“I was right”
Don’t you love being right? ????????????????????????????
How those two aren’t in long term prison is absolutely stunning.

“Given that I had not worked with Shearer and knew that he was not a professional intelligence officer, I did not mention or share his notes with anyone at the State Department. I did not expect them to be shared with anyone in the U.S. government.”

I’m sorry, does this mean he completely disregarded Nuland and kept this important information secret from SecState John Kerry? And how does his claim not to have mentioned the notes to anyone at the State Dept. make the slightest sense? Victoria Nuland was a central figure at the department and a conduit of information about Russian efforts to influence the election, not only to Congress, but to CNN. Can anyone else make sense of this?

“Steele told me that he had learned of disturbing information regarding possible ties between Donald Trump, his campaign and senior Russian officials. He did not provide details but made clear the information involved ‘active measures,’…”

“he had learned.” “possible ties.” “did not provide details.”

But it was Steele’s Kremlin contacts who provided this gossip and rumors, all bought and paid for with DNC & Klinton Kash, then push out to media, DOJ, & State Dept.

Listen. Do you hear that? It’s the Washington Post shouting, “Democracy dies in C.O.L.L.U.S.I.O.N.!

Oh, wait. It’s just leftist collusion, corruption, and possible criminality. Cue up the media bias of ‘omission.’

The thing is, nothing that has so far been alleged against either side seems to be illegal, but only one side has been jumping up and down since the beginning accusing the other side of treason and who knows what.

Oh, except for the lying about it, which from what we can tell the Ds have been doing a whole lot more of than the Rs.

In assessing the threats that Hillary and Trump posed to our liberty, respectively, in October 2016 I wrote that Hillary represented the greater threat because Hillary was “a systemic threat.”

I was right.

You were absurdly—hilariously—wrong.

Trump, a threat to our liberty. Yes, “hilarious” is the word. The first time I ever wrote about Trump Derangement Syndrome here, I was writing about you and your heroic efforts to miss everything—everything, down to the most painfully obvious—about the only serious candidate in the Presidential race.

Now, as the seditious anti-American plot falls apart—discovered, not due to brilliant or dedicated investigation, but almost entirely to two stupid, chatty lovebirds burrowed like trichinella worms in the decaying corpse of our FBI and their habit of blowing electronic kisses to each other all day—and the whole stinking stew becomes bloody obvious to even the most unimaginative clod, it’s also obvious that there is nothing which can root out this tenacious rot. Or rather, nothing in Washington … except the guy who shouldn’t be there in the first place. Donald Trump.

It’s like Churchill in 1940—only one man in the country has shown both the inclination and—we must hope—the ability to even slow this criminal cabal down. No, he can’t do it by himself. And that’s a problem; unlike Churchill, Trump is an “outsider”, and that is a serious weakness at the same time that it’s one of his most vital virtues. It’s a major factor making him the essential man at this crisis point in American history… and, like it or not, he is. There is no other.

    DINORightMarie in reply to tom_swift. | February 9, 2018 at 12:36 pm

    I think you missed the Professor’s point in the statements you copied/quoted.

    HILLARY was, and is, the “systemic threat.”

    Donald Trump is not.

      kevin king in reply to DINORightMarie. | February 10, 2018 at 9:49 am

      Donald Trump is the antidote to the corruption that has infested the proper workings of your constitution. It will take the hardnosed realism of a businessman to sort out the public sector corruption of a behemoth. The separation of powers under Obama was eviscerated. Trump is rebuilding the silos one by one.

    “In assessing the threats that Hillary and Trump…”

    What threat did Trump present?

    kevin king in reply to tom_swift. | February 10, 2018 at 9:47 am

    it’s quite amusing to think both Trump and Churchill are/were half American….

Both klintons belong at the end of a rope.

Their various and literal treasons over the years really call for it – as narcissist and useful idiot Bette Midler would advocate.

Bette Midler Jokes About Rand Paul Being Violently Attacked:

In other words, the FBI investigation didn’t start when the Australians, according to the Times—or the Brits, according to Brennan’s most recent version of the story—contacted the FBI after the Papadopoulos-Downer meeting. No, it started when the director of the CIA decided to start an investigation, when Brennan passed on information and intelligence to the FBI, and signaled that the bureau better act on it.

Here is reality. Jeff Sessions will not request a Grand Jury to prosecute anyone related to these issues. He will not request a Special Prosecutor and Rod Rosenstein certainly won’t request another SP, when he will be a target. Sessions is going to protect Clinton and all her cohorts with ever fiber of his being. There could be a video of Clinton killing someone and he will do nothing. Why isn’t this obvious?