WATCH: Sarah Sanders Slays Media on Trump Mental Health and Bannon Feud

In her post “Bannon v. Trump v. Bannon,” Kemberlee laid out the latest White House drama that has the left salivating at the thought of managing to undo the 2016 election.

The drama started, as Kemberlee wrote, with an “article published in The Guardian Wednesday lifted passages from a new book ‘Fire and Fury’ by Michael Wolff. Bannon was quoted heavily in the book, calling the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russians ‘treasonous’.”

One star of this latest batch of leftist hysteria has been White House press secretary Sarah Sanders.

She’s been a joy to watch as she swats back panting media types who are eager to see our president destroyed . . . including by largely fabricated nonsense written by a pro-Hillary, anti-Trump hack.

Here is the president’s statement on the allegations reportedly made in the Woolff book.

Following and in no particular order are some of Sanders’ best moments over the past week.

Mentally Unstable?  I’ll give you mentally unstable

In the wake of the buzz surrounding the president’s fitness for office, Sanders flips the script.

Trump’s base not affected by Trump-Bannon rift

At a White House presser, Sanders responds to journalist questions about the possibility of the Trump-Bannon split affecting Trump’s base and its support for the president.  Sanders points out that President Trump was the one elected to office and that his base supports the agenda on which he campaigned.


Sad, pathetic tabloid gossip

At another White House presser, Sanders points out that one of the obvious lies reportedly in the book is that the president did not know who John Boehner is.  As she notes, there are photos of the president and Boehner playing golf and the claim is “pretty ridiculous.”

She also says that she won’t go through the book page by page refuting “tabloid gossip” because it’s just “sad and pathetic.”


Maybe Breitbart should think about parting ways with Bannon

At this same press conference, a reporter asks if Breitbart should part ways with Bannon.  Sanders says it’s something that they should consider. Given that Bannon is effectively over as a political mover and shaker, it’s hard to see how they don’t at least consider parting ways with him.



Tags: Steve Bannon, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump Press Relations, White House