Steve Bannon out at Breitbart News

I guess this was inevitable.

A website that played a large role in creating momentum for Donald Trump to win the Republican nomination, and to a much lesser extent the presidency, could not continue with someone at the helm who now was persona non grata with Donald Trump and his family. Either Brietbart News had to change, or Steve Bannon had to go.

Breitbart News has just announced:

Stephen K. Bannon has stepped down from Breitbart News Network, where he served as Executive Chairman since 2012.Bannon and Breitbart will work together on a smooth and orderly transition.Bannon said, “I’m proud of what the Breitbart team has accomplished in so short a period of time in building out a world-class news platform.”According to Breitbart CEO Larry Solov, “Steve is a valued part of our legacy, and we will always be grateful for his contributions, and what he has helped us to accomplish.”

I haven’t personally weighed in on the situation, other than to opine that whether Bannon stayed or went was part of the noise that should not distract Trump or Republicans from plowing forward on agenda items, Trump and Republicans need to plow through the noise blizzard.

In the days since Bannon was revealed to be a main source for the truthiness of Michael Wolff’s book about the Trump administration, Trump himself tweeted angrily about Bannon, branding him as “Sloppy Steve.”

Many people who had worked for Bannon with unpleasant results also weighed in, proving true the saying that the people you climb over to get to the top are the people you meet on your way down.

I had no personal beef with Bannon, mostly because my interactions with him had been so rare. He and Larry Solov asked me to join Breitbart News in 2012, but I declined for many reasons, primarily valuing my independence.

So let the speculation begin. What happens to Breitbart News now? To me that’s just more noise, so I’m not going to dwell on it. What will become of Bannon? More noise.

Expect a pile-on and gloating. But not from me. I have better things to do.

Tags: Breitbart, Steve Bannon