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Antifa Prof Encourages Mob Destruction After Eagles Win

Antifa Prof Encourages Mob Destruction After Eagles Win

“burn a police station for me”

Remember this guy? He certainly seems to like mob rule and the destruction of property.

The Daily Caller reports:

Antifa Prof On Eagles Win: ‘Burn A Police Station For Me’

A former Antifa professor weighed in Sunday on the Philadelphia Eagles NFC Championship win, saying “burn a police station for me, Philly.”

Former John Jay College economics professor Mike Isaacson tweeted the remark following reports of disorderly conduct around the Minnesota Vikings vs. Philadelphia Eagles match. Isaacson is a co-founder of Smash Racism D.C., an Antifa group.

“Burn a police station for me, Philly,” said Isaacson before asking “is Tom Brady still a Trump supporter?” and “can I please get more Eagles NFC riot porn please and thank [sic]?”


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Somebody needs to experience a size 10 to the butt followed up with soap in a sock therapy.

How could this clown’s statement not be a direct call for more violence from the lefty, anti-Americans? This is clearly incitement to riot.

Where are the condemnations from the “tolerant” government in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania? Not holding my breath.

Sounds like this is a professor who needs an all expense paid sabbatical to someplace like Venezuela where he can learn about the application of socialism in the real world. Imagine how it would enhance his teaching effectiveness and academic background – especially if he was not allowed to return to the USA.

I remember there were two times in my life I caught my dad crying. The first was wind the legal profession finally lost its respectability. I remember him saying it started with allowing attorneys to advertise on television. he was a self-made man, the first in his family to attend college. He grew up in an area where Perry Mason was one of the Avengers.

To work so hard and for so long and have to watch as the respectability of your profession diminished and inverse proportion.

When we catch these stories of these “professors” I often wonder how our host feels.

And again, reading that last paragraph, I bet my English Professor feels the same way about me. Lol damn stupid smart phone.