UPDATE: Gillibrand Finally Calls for Franken’s Resignation
Yet she said Clinton should have resigned over Lewinsky just two weeks ago.

*UPDATE* After a seventh woman has come forward today and accused Franken of sexual misconduct, Gillibrand has finally called for him to resign.
New York Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand is likely to run for president in 2020 so she’s making an effort to align herself with the #metoo movement. At the same time, she’s having some difficulty deciding who deserves the benefit of the doubt and who should be out of a job.
When asked at a Politico event if Al Franken should step down, she just couldn’t answer.
Twitchy reported:
Brave! Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand still ‘very troubled’ about Al Franken, but won’t say he should resign
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is a self-styled champion of women, and yet she gets it wrong so much of the time.
At the Women in the World Conference in 2015, she was asked about rape hoaxes like the story that was published and then retracted by Rolling Stone magazine. She answered, “Well, I hope it’s just putting more of a spotlight on the problem” — not the problem of hoaxes, you see, but of sexual assault. Sure, some young men’s lives might have been destroyed by a false accusation of rape, but the real concern for Gillibrand was the sexual assault that never actually happened.
So it’s not surprising that Gillibrand, questioned about Sen. Al Franken at Politico’s “Women Rule” event, would punt on the question if she’d ask him to resign.
Would @SenGillibrand ask @SenFranken to resign? “I am not going to say that today. But it is something I’m very troubled about” #WomenRule pic.twitter.com/PYUMJlOUQ2
— POLITICO Live (@POLITICOLive) December 5, 2017
This is the same woman who said two weeks ago that Bill Clinton should have resigned over Monica Lewinsky. It’s easier to say that because Bill Clinton doesn’t hold office anymore. Plus, she will no longer need the Clintons’ help to advance herself.
Miranda Green reported at CNN:
Gillibrand: Bill Clinton should have resigned over Lewinsky affair
New York Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand believes that former President Bill Clinton should have resigned in light of the Lewinsky affair.
Speaking to The New York Times Thursday, Gillibrand, who holds Hillary Clinton’s former seat, said of whether the former president should have stepped down, “Yes, I think that is the appropriate response.”
Clinton was ultimately impeached over the scandal but was acquitted by the Senate and finished his term as president.
Gillibrand’s remarks are particularly noteworthy considering she was a big supporter of Hillary Clinton’s recent presidential campaign. She frequently spoke in support of the Clintons and traveled to campaign events to advocate for the former first lady.
“Things have changed today, and I think under those circumstances there should be a very different reaction,” she said. “And I think in light of this conversation, we should have a very different conversation about President Trump, and a very different conversation about allegations against him.”
You can watch Gillibrand discuss her thoughts about Clinton on MSNBC below:
It appears consistency isn’t her strong suit.
Featured image via YouTube.

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Well, it wasn’t grope-grope.
I wonder if sge had much to say about Roy Moore?
Oh, that CNN. At least it’s consistent. If it’s not fake news, it’s fake history.
Clinton was ultimately impeached over the scandal
He was, of course, not impeached over the Lewinsky embarrassment; he was impeached for lying under oath in a court deposition concerning his abuse of yet another woman.
CNN is just noise. And by now, everybody in the country must have heard about it.
Her comment about Clinton should have resigned wasn’t really about the correct action for Democrats in power to do, it was aimed specifically at Trump needing to resign because of his Grab Them comment. She only cares about the R or D designation for who should resign, that is because even if D’s rape, pillage, fondle, women while they are in power, their hearts were in the right place and they stood for women’s rights, even if they violated one woman’s rights… With R’s, it is the seriousness of the charge, not if there is any proof, as R’s hate wymyn, and are always against Wymyns Rights. Won’t she make such a fine President… :/
Kirsten Gillibrand is your garden-variety feminist hypocrite. Nothing she says should be taken with even a normal amount of skepticism.
The names of all congress people and the amounts of money paid to their accusers must be released to the public, now. Will those who are resigning pay back the public money given to the accusers? If they resign are they still liable to repay the money taken out their slush fund?
How do we know that members on the Ethics Committee are not also being accused by their victims?
The secrecy behind this slush fund proves that all members need to be replaced.