Great Jobs Report Bad News for Dems: Hispanic Unemployment Rate At Historic Low

Friday’s jobs report didn’t hold any good news for Democrats; the official unemployment rate remains steady at 4.9%.  The report also shows the jobless rate dropping among black people and historic jobless lows for Hispanics, with the Hispanic unemployment rate at 4.7%.

NPR reports:

The U.S. economy added 228,000 jobs in November, according to the monthly jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The unemployment rate remained steady at 4.1 percent, unchanged from October.”Employment growth has averaged 174,000 per month thus far this year, compared with an average monthly gain of 187,000 in 2016,” the agency’s acting Commissioner William J. Wiatrowski said of the report.The number of unemployed people was “essentially unchanged at 6.6 million,” the bureau said. Of that number, 1.6 million are considered to be long-term unemployed — workers who have not had jobs for 27 weeks or more.”Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rate for teenagers increased to 15.9 percent in November,” the Bureau of Labor Statistics said. Other groups saw little change from the previous month.. . . . The labor force participation rate remained at 62.7 percent in November; the BLS said that the employment-population ratio, which stands at 60.1 percent, has changed little since early 2017.

One area of marked improvement is in manufacturing.

NPR continues:

Responding to the news, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said, “We’re especially pleased to see the manufacturing sector roaring back to life, adding a total of 159,000 jobs since President Trump took office after averaging a loss of more than 1,000 jobs per month during the last year of the previous administration.”

These were jobs that Democrats, including former president Obama, insisted were never coming back.  They may not on the levels of the mid-twentieth century, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a robust manufacturing sector. It seems we are moving in that direction.

Yahoo Finance notes:

Friday’s report largely indicates that in contrast to the last economic expansion, the U.S. manufacturing base is growing, or as Joe Quinlan, chief market strategist at U.S. Trust, wrote in a note this week, “the death of American manufacturing has been greatly exaggerated.”

Furthermore, Friday’s jobs report doesn’t bode well for Democrats who hope against hope that their stranglehold on minority voters won’t be shaken loose, that black and Hispanic people won’t notice that their lives are improving as their unemployment numbers drop.

On the campaign trail and throughout this first year of his presidency, President Trump has promised to work for all Americans and notably challenged black and Hispanic voters to take a look at their situation under Democrats and ask themselves what they have to lose in giving Trump a chance.

“Our government has totally failed our African American friends, our Hispanic friends and the people of our country. Period,” Trump said in Akron, Ohio, straying from the prepared remarks the campaign provided to reporters. “The Democrats have failed completely in the inner cities. For those hurting the most who have been failed and failed by their politician — year after year, failure after failure, worse numbers after worse numbers. Poverty. Rejection. Horrible education. No housing, no homes, no ownership. Crime at levels that nobody has seen. You can go to war zones in countries that we are fighting and it’s safer than living in some of our inner cities that are run by the Democrats. And I ask you this, I ask you this — crime, all of the problems — to the African Americans, who I employ so many, so many people, to the Hispanics, tremendous people: What the hell do you have to lose? Give me a chance. I’ll straighten it out. I’ll straighten it out. What do you have to lose?”The mostly white crowd cheered and then started chanting: “Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump!”Trump continued: “And you know, I say it, and I’m going to keep saying it. And some people say: ‘Wow, that makes sense.’ And then some people say: ‘Well, that wasn’t very nice.’ Look, it is a disaster the way African Americans are living, in many cases, and, in many cases the way Hispanics are living, and I say it with such a deep-felt feeling: What do you have to lose? I will straighten it out. I’ll bring jobs back. We’ll bring spirit back. We’ll get rid of the crime. You’ll be able to walk down the street without getting shot. Right now, you walk down the street, you get shot. Look at the statistics. We’ll straighten it out. If you keep voting for the same failed politicians, you will keep getting the same results. They don’t care about you. They just like you once every four years — get your vote and then they say: ‘Bye, bye!'”

This message terrifies Democrats who worry that these reliable Democrat voters might actually look around and wonder not only what Democrats have done for them lately but what they have to lose by supporting the president and his party in upcoming elections.

The Washington Post reports:

The unemployment rate among Latino and Hispanic Americans fell to 4.7 percent in November, the lowest level on records since 1973.That figure comes with an asterisk, though: Like other categories of the U.S. population, a smaller proportion of Latinos either have a job or are looking for one than before the Great Recession. Many have retired or are staying in school or caring for family members. The proportion of Latinos with jobs remains below its prerecession peak.The Hispanic and Latino demographic group is an ethnic category that can include any race.

If the unemployment rate for minorities continues to drop in the lead-up to the 2018 midterms, it will be the sitting president’s party asking “Are you better off now than you were [two] years ago?” rather than the challenger.

Tags: 2018 Elections, Democrats, Jobs, Trump Economic Policy