26-year-olds struggle as they age out of their parent’s health insurance plans
Adulting, it would seem, is hard.

26-year-olds aging out of the parent’s health insurance policy are stuck on the struggle bus, reports CNN.
Adulting, it would seem, is hard.
CNN’s report would be hilarious and reads more like a parody report, except for the fact that it’s unfortunately true.
Marguerite Moniot felt frustrated and flummoxed. Despite the many hours she had spent in front of the computer this year reading consumer reviews of health insurance plans offered on the individual market in Virginia, she still did not know what plan was right for her.
Welcome to the real world, sweetheart.
But illness does not recognize age. Dominique Ridley, who turned 26 on Dec. 6, knows this all too well.
Ridley has asthma. She always carries an inhaler and sees a doctor when she feels her chest tighten. The student at Radford University in Virginia relies on her mother’s employer-sponsored plan for coverage.
Ridley started peppering her parents with questions about health insurance as soon as she started seeing ads for this year’s open enrollment.
“I don’t want to just go out there and apply for health insurance, and it be all kinds of wrong and I can’t afford it,” she said.
Her parents didn’t have the answers, but her mother linked up Ridley with a friend that runs a marketing company tailored to promoting the Affordable Care Act. Ridley then connected with a broker who signed her up for a silver plan that will cost her less than $4 per month, after receiving a premium subsidy of more than $500 a month.
“If you don’t have health insurance, you don’t have anything,” Ridley said.
In between the personal anecdotes, CNN blames Trump for market instability and for putting 26-year-olds in the perilous place of a functioning adult. Hilariously, the report ends with the story of James Rowley, who, unlike the others featured, has it together. Rowley managed to navigate the bureaucratic waters, do a bit of homework, and sign up for health insurance all on his very own:
James Rowley, a 26-year-old entrepreneur from Fairfax, Virginia, is among those who signed up without help. He started his own company two years ago while covered under his father’s health plan. When he turned 26, he signed up for health insurance on his own through a special enrollment period this year. After general enrollment opened this fall, he once again picked a plan.
“I might not 100% need it now, but there will come a time where health insurance is important,” said Rowley.
Forget stories of long, barefooted voyages through the snow just to get to school, later generations will reminisce of a time when, late in the twenties, they had to research health insurance plans all on their own.

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Poor little snowflakes…
Life ain’t cheap when the handouts stop
Who knew?
Is a snowflake the offspring of helicopter parents?
No, but she’s probably been helicopter skiing.
When she sees the price of that, she’ll expect that treat should become some kind of government entitlement.
We should raise the drinking age to – not on your parents health plan.
Voting age also.
Wait a minute. She gets a silver policy for $4.00 a month?
Oh, that’s right. The producers in society are going to foot the bill for the $500/month subsidy while she gets her gender studies degree (and will probably continue to pay her premiums for years afterwards).
I guess the upside of aging out of Mommy and Daddy’s coverage is that, after eight years of Obama, the vast majority of young adults won’t be making enough to have to pay their fair share.
Wait until the snowflake hits tax time and finds out that 500 a month is considered income…
A return to the military draft would serve these kids better than anything else.
I thought this was about getting quality healthcare, not about the nominally free ‘just getting what you pay for’ VA-brand healthcare?
You hit the nail on the head.
The only problem is that young men might be discharged wearing a dress.
They need to go through a war.
One is coming. (If it doesn’t come from North Korea, it’ll come from George Soros.)
They’d have to work hard.
Military NCOs and commissioned officers are not babysitters nor are they guidance counselors. Managing “adults” who do not want to be in the military detracts from readiness, good order and discipline, and precious time. While boot camp may be a good place to learn about the real world, an operational battalion or squadron is not. The military has a hard enough time recruiting qualified people with common sense. The last thing they need is to be responsible for every 18-year old across the country.
I’m all for making it MANDATORY for every late teen to serve their country in the military for a minimum of 2 years. This would undo the massive damage their snowflake parents, libTurd teachers and LSM have done to their weak minds.
Conspicuously absent from the description of Ridley’s $4 per month silver plan is any mention of her out-of-pocket expenses. What kind of annual deductible does a skinny $500 monthly premium carry?
At 26+, I wonder what she is studying and were there any breaks in her education. Always nice to know the whole story.
Was it an eventual PhD in Liberal Arts with a final dissertation on “Sexist hegemony in highway bridge design and racist bias in the choice of concrete color and ethno-phallic supporting beam stiffness”?
Dare we talk about (as Sean Connery did*) about construction techniques?
If picking health insurance is too much for them, maybe they should consider joining the Army. I hear the health care there is free and there’s just one choice. Easy!
Also free is the food, housing and clothing… And there is sponsored travel to exotic and exciting places available.
But the accommodations can be so crude! Picture the snowflakes learning to sleep on the ground and crap in a cat hole. While I find that thought very entertaining, I wouldn’t wish that horror on any unit.
As usual, Kemberlee reveals her ignorance of the plural possessive: Parents’ health insurance plans, apostrophe after the “s.”
It’s her mother’s employer-provided plan. The parent is “mother”.
So parent is a singular noun; possessive case is parent’s.
You’ve completely misread it, and God forbid anyone should learn English usage here.
It’s probably too late for you to learn reading comprehension, here or anywhere else.
There are conflicting policies and theories about how to show possession when writing such nouns. There is no right answer; the best advice is to choose a formula and stay consistent.
Now that we’ve got that straightened out: look again at that photo: obama is grabbing that girl’s ass.
Comments should be somehow related to the subject matter. There must be a blog “English Grammar Trolls” that would welcome you…
This ain’t it.
You’re correct. That said: ain’t is a contraction for am not, is not, are not, has not, and have not in the common English language vernacular. In some dialects ain’t is also used as a contraction of do not, does not, and did not. The development of ain’t for the various forms of to be not, to have not, and to do not occurred independently, at different times. The usage of ain’t for the forms of to be not was established by the mid-18th century, and for the forms of to have not by the early 19th century. The usage of ain’t is a continuing subject of controversy in English. Ain’t is commonly used by many speakers in oral and informal settings, especially in certain regions and dialects. Its usage is often highly stigmatized, and it can be used by the general public as a marker of low socio-economic or regional status or education level. Its use is generally considered non-standard by dictionaries and style guides except when used for rhetorical effect.
Thomas de Mahy, Marquis de Favras (1744-1790) is one of my grammar and spelling heroes.
Mahy was executed for his part in “planning against the people of France”, as he plotted to help Louis XVI escape from the Revolutionaries.
Upon being handed his official death sentence by the court clerk as he was led to the scaffold, he is famously known for saying while reading it:
“I see that you have made three spelling mistakes.”
This guy was AWESOME! I repeat, AWESOME!
Absolutely no slight towards Kemberlee Kaye was intended in my above post. The previous posts simply reminded me of the Marquis and I always find that historic trivia piece of humor noir.
The last sentence above should have read “…’a’ humor noir, not ‘of'”. I sure wish we could edit our posts. Sometimes the fingers move faster than the brain.
And yes I know the rules for quotes inside of quotes but used singles for clarity.
The typos and errors which should be pointed out here are the ones which obfuscate or even reverse meaning. It happens rather often.
Nothing like professional level, though; for many years the Manchester Guardian was notorious for substituting now for not, which played merry hell with comprehensibility. There’s no way to pretend that, say, she is now pregnant and she is not pregnant are merely stylistic variants.
Not that any of this is in the same league as the Guardian’s famous review of Mussorgsky’s Doris Godunov … that sort of clanger is the stuff of legend.
Look at his hand, and look at that young woman’s face:
One can conclude barry is grabbing that young woman’s buttocks in that photo.
She looks like the guy who was on “Welcome Back Kotter.”
If you REALLY want to hear stupid-on-English:
OBAMA GRAMMAR: Using the President’s Bloopers to Improve Your English:
tha’t UPHILL BOTH WAYS barefoot in the snow you young galoot. Or should I call you a palooka?
“Galoot” and “Palooka”?
Nicely done, 4fun. Great words you seldom hear used these days. I tip my hat to you.
Now, if you had used the word “Snollygoster”, I’d have fallen to one knee, with my head reverently bowed.
Galoot was a favorite of my Irish mother to refer to yours truly, as well as the Irish word “amadan” which means fool. Ah, yes, the love!
I’ll keep Snollygoster in mind for the next time, but I’m still awaiting my time to add snafflehoop to the mix on some article.
And for a bonus, remember to read O.Henry’s The Gift Of The Magi.
We back in the dark ages… When I had to buy my own insurance, get this, I say down and spoke with an INSURANCE BROKER, who helped me pick a policy that worked for me — have me the coverage I needed at a price I could afford and a deductable I could handle. What a concept!
Okay, I’m probably just exposing my dopeyness, but when I was 26, the very last thing on my mind was researching health insurance.
When I was 26, half a century ago, I had a college degree and a full-time job with benefits including health insurance. Of course, insurance coverage has changed a great deal since Obamacare passed, and I have no idea whether employers provide full or even partial insurance coverage for their employees these days. Nevertheless, I am surprised that a 26-year-old does not yet have a job that would either include health insurance benefits or pay enough to buy an insurance policy, in whole or in part — surely more than a measly $4 a month.
Of course, asthma is one of those dreaded “pre-existing conditions” which mess everything up.
Look at his hand, and look at that young woman’s face:
One can conclude barry is grabbing that young woman’s buttocks in that photo……
and the hand on the shoulder is probably biden’s….from the look on her face the other hand is a goosing.
no wonder that Ridley woman is still in school. She’s too stupid to handle a job.
26-year olds have been adults for 8 years now. Get with the program and grow up.
Voting for the “hip and cool” guy with the nice crease in his pants will cost them. Their about to find out the consequences of their very first vote.
To paraphrase one of the pop songs from many a decade ago:
Growing up is hard to do.
Welcome to Reality 101, dear snowflakes — the class that never ends.