Trevor Noah: “Elizabeth Warren did something problematic”

Has Elizabeth Warren been damaged by the feud with Donald Trump over Trump calling her “Pocahontas”?

If you read the liberal pundits, who live within #TheResistance bubble, you’d think Warren got the better of the exchange by calling Trump racist. As I’ve pointed out dozens of times, I think this hurts Warren because Trump is branding her as a fraud. Once so branded, it’s going to be hard to escape.

The measure of damage, however, is not really the political media, it’s the natural source of Warren’s strength, the late night shows.

The first evidence this branding was hurting Warren was when her fan and supporter Bill Maher casually referred to her as Pocahontas:

At least Maher’s comment, as cutting as it was, was cryptic.

Trevor Noah, however, just explained to his audience what the real issue is as to the Pocahontas controversy, and it wasn’t in Warren’s favor. While there was plenty of Trump bashing by Noah, he exhibited an understanding of Warren’s Native American deception that rarely is seen in the popular media.

The Hill reports:

Late-night host Trevor Noah said Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) “did something problematic” with claims about her Native American heritage.During his late-night show, Noah said President Trump’s “Pocahontas” nickname for Warren is a “tricky one to process.” Nicknames Trump uses on other people are “self-explanatory,” he said.”But when he says ‘Pocahontas,’ you might be thinking, ‘Wait Trevor, I’m confused, is Elizabeth Warren Native America?’ ” Noah said.”And you see, that’s the question because, for a long time, she said she was.”Noah said in 2012, the New England Historic Genealogical Society “looked into” and found “no proof of Warren having Native American lineage.”Noah said that was “problematic.”He said he is struggling with the question of whether Trump is racist.”Is Donald Trump racist? Yeah. But in his own way, he is hitting Elizabeth Warren for saying she is Native American when she wasn’t,” Noah, a frequent critic of Trump, said.Noah said it’s not that Warren “committed a crime.”“Elizabeth Warren did something problematic, the kind of thing we rightfully call each other out for every single day,” Noah continued.“So as weird as it is to say, in his own racially offensive way, Donald Trump was being woke. Yeah, and that’s, unfortunately, the truth.”

When Warren is losing the late night shows to Trump, she’s losing big league.

Tags: Elizabeth Warren