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Legal Insurrection Semi-Annual Fundraiser

Legal Insurrection Semi-Annual Fundraiser

Thank you for helping us do what we do.

(This post will be “sticky” for a while.)

It’s that time of year when we ask readers to help keep us doing what we do. For those of you who are relatively new here, our 7th Anniversary post has a pretty good history of Legal Insurrection. Our current psychiatric condition is discussed in Legal Insurrection is 9 years old, and filled with dread.

This year the financial challenges of running the website are greater than ever before. As with many websites, we’ve seen a significant drop in advertising revenue. We’re exploring options to address that from both the revenue and cost side, but for now it means that reader contributions are more important than ever.

We already operate on a shoestring budget, so you get the most miles per gallon when you donate to us.

Reader donations and other help (e.g., using our Amazon link) are extremely important to us.

You can donate using the Donate buttons below, or in the sidebar. Monthly subscriptions are particularly helpful.


One-time Donation:

Monthly Donation (you can cancel at any time):

Subscription Options

By check

Alternatively, you can mail a check payable to WAJ Media LLC, 757 Warren Road, Unit 4762, Ithaca, NY 14852.


There’s only so much Amazon will let me say about this under its Terms of Service.

If you Shop, please use our links in the sidebar or click here.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


Cha-ching! I really appreciate what you do.

It’s great having a place to find information that isn’t grossly slanted to the left, and where the comments are mostly rational.

Everyone should donate!! This website is the best on the web and required daily reading. I donate monthly as it is, but, what the heck – another $100 can’t hurt!

Any thoughts about the efficacy of sending CASH as a way of avoiding a certain large, nasty bureaucracy inside the beltway which as shown itself to be a policy tool of the deep state?

A big mahalo nui loa to you, Prof. Jacobson, we have been reading your blog for many years and appreciate your wisdom!
Happy to donate, hope others do as well.

thx for what you do.

I’ll try and get an envelope to you with Tim Geitner’s signature inside before heading out on vacation.

I’m in

Professor,will proceeds go to the LOSER Kate Legal defense team?

Cha-Ching! Wish I could donate more. LI is one of the best sites on the interwebs. Thank you!

ijustwanttovote | December 3, 2017 at 6:48 pm

How much would I have to donate to get Rags perma-banned?