James Madison U. Offers Course on Black Lives Matter

This is just the beginning. Give academia a few years and there will be departments devoted to this.

The Washington Examiner reports:

James Madison University offers Black Lives Matter courseJames Madison University is now offering a Black Lives Matter course as part of the Women’s and Gender Studies department’s upcoming Spring 2018 curriculum.The class is listed in the course catalog as WGS 495: Special Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies, and will focus on the topic of the Black Lives Matter movement. It is offered as an elective and will be instructed by Dr. Beth Hinderliter, associate professor of Cross Disciplinary Studies at JMU.Dr. Hinderliter is the co-editor of “(Re)framing the Feminine: Women’s Studies, Feminism, Gender Identity and the Academy” (currently under review for publication), which examines the persistent exclusionary aspects of feminism today after many decades of striving to become intersectional, transnational, and inclusive.”Students enrolled in the course will have the opportunity to examine “the radical resistance of the Black Lives Matter movement to state-sanctioned violence against black and brown communities.”The course description states that we are living under a “New Jim Crow” and that the BLM movement is purportedly at the forefront of defending fundamental rights in this era.

Tags: Black Lives Matter, College Insurrection