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Evergreen State Sanctions Students Over Spring Campus Protests

Evergreen State Sanctions Students Over Spring Campus Protests

“Of those 180 students, approximately 80 were found responsible for their actions”

According to this report from the Olympian, some students were actually expelled. Still, it all seems like too little too late.

Here’s how many student protesters were sanctioned for breaking Evergreen’s conduct code

About 80 protesters have been sanctioned for breaking the student conduct code at The Evergreen State College in Olympia last spring, when race-related protests broke out on campus, college officials say.

About 120 incident reports involving 180 students were filed during the campus unrest, college spokeswoman Sandra Kaiser told The Olympian.

“Of those 180 students, approximately 80 were found responsible for their actions,” she said. “They received sanctions ranging from formal warnings, community service and probation, to suspension.”

The students were adjudicated using the student conduct code during spring and summer quarters, she said.

In addition, non-students who were involved in the disruptions were issued criminal trespass warnings, and one person was “subsequently arrested and permanently barred from campus,” said college spokesman Zach Powers.

Evergreen is no stranger to protests, but college president George Bridges said some students went too far in May when they interrupted faculty member Bret Weinstein’s class, and a day later pushed furniture against doors to create barricades during a takeover of the library building.


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Fish rot from the head down. George Bridges needs to get the boot.

Fire all of the professors and expel every student that broke the rules. Liberals can start getting some street cred on campus for following the rules.