Vigils continue for Rasmea Odeh’s victims outside Reem’s Oakland Bakery despite legal threats
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Vigils continue for Rasmea Odeh’s victims outside Reem’s Oakland Bakery despite legal threats

Vigils continue for Rasmea Odeh’s victims outside Reem’s Oakland Bakery despite legal threats

Wall-size mural of convicted terrorist murderer and immigration fraudster sparks protests that Bakery owner wants shut down.

Reem’s bakery in Oakland, CA, has been a center of controversy because of the full-wall mural of Rasmea Odeh.

Rasmea is the former military member of the terrorist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine who was convicted in Israel in 1970 of the 1969 supermarket bombing that killed two Hebrew University students, Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner. She also was convicted of the attempted bombing of the British Consulate. Rasmea and her supporters have concocted a phony claim that Rasmea only was convicted because of a false confession extracted after 25 days of sexual torture.

That claim is demonstrably false, yet the claim is repeated non-stop to this day, as I discuss in The Lies of Rasmea Odeh and Her Supporters Exposed.

Rasmea lied on her immigration and naturalization applications to come to the U.S., denying that she ever had been convicted or imprisoned, or was a member of any terrorist group. On August 17, 2017, Rasmea was sentenced for immigration fraud to deportation and to be stripped of U.S. citizenship, as detailed in my post, Convicted Terrorist Rasmea Odeh Sentenced to Deportation, Loss of Citizenship.

Rasmea Odeh is set to be deported. An Israeli newspaper reports that the date is September 19 to Jordan, but ICE refused to confirm that to me, stating they do not give out details on such matters for security reasons.

Having a convicted terrorist murderer and immigration fraudster on the wall led to vigils outside the bakery holding signs honoring the memory of Rasmea’s victim’s, Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner.

Prof. Miriam Elman extensively documented the background of the protests, and the attempts of the bakery owner to prevent the protests by asking the shopping center to remove them (which likely would violate California’s free speech protections). Prof. Elman’s post includes images and video, as well as background on the bakery owner, Reem Asil, Anti-Israel activists try to shut down protests over California bakery honoring Palestinian terrorist.

In that post, Prof. Elman provided evidence that there were attempts to intimate the protesters, including by physically ripping protest signs. Nonetheless, Reem’s asserts that it is the victim of harassment by the protesters, and filed a court action in early August.

Reem Asil tried to obtain an ex parte Temporary Restraining Order, but was denied by the court. The relief sought was pretty sweeping (and unconstitutional), including keeping protester Michael Lumish, and two others from protesting near the bakery, and even trying to restrain Lumish’s blog writing about Reem’s. The deatils are in my post, Reem’s Oakland bakery seeks Ct order halting protests over terrorist mural.

According to the case docket, the hearing on the request for a restraining Order against Lumish is postponed to October 19. The hearing for the two other protesters who have been sued appears to be September 18, but the docket also indicates they have not been served yet.

The protesters are free to continue to exercise their constitutional rights, and at least some of them are doing so.

Twitter account Anarcho-Zionist posted images of a vigil held on September 7, 2017, in the shopping area outside Reem’s bakery. Do they look dangerous to you?

Here is a close up of “The Butcher, The Baker” protest sign (via San Francisco Voice for Israel Twitter)

(video added) This video was uploaded to YouTube after the initial publication of this post:

According to someone who was there, the police were called again but refused to take any action against the protesters, even commenting that the protesters had a right to be there. And indeed, they do have that right to honor the victims, just as Reem’s has a right to honor the terrorist perpetrator.

Needless to say, the anti-Israel Jewish Voice for Peace which is vocal in support of terrorists like Rasmea and Marwan Barghouti, is supporting Reem’s.

Reem’s Bakery, JVP says, “Tastes as Delicious as Freedom.” Rasmea’s terror victims could not be reached for comment as to whether they agree.


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Freedom tastes like murder, to the Palestinians. Good to know.

4th armored div | September 8, 2017 at 5:20 pm

protestors would be more effective if they were dressed as auswitz concentration camp survivors (like my mom was)

maybe G Soros can come to support the Fakistinians

Israel backs Hungary, says financier Soros is a threat

George Soros’ Israel-Hatred Spills Out Into the Open

    bit perturbed that while thousands come out to protest hack hate groups that blow in and then out of the bay area, very few have come out to support us in our vigils.

If this warped woman “misses her homeland,” why doesn’t she return instead of staying here and complaining?

She’s full of crap, that’s why – she knows she’s got it made here, which is why she came in the first place.

Indoctrinated fool. May the protests work.

    She also assumes all Arabs admire Odeh and murderers in general, which is a great insult to Arabs.

    Follow the money: see who really paid to open this dump for this a-hole is purportedly running it. Probably comes from the same funding as that which paid to get obama into harvard and onto the law review.

      OleDirtyBarrister in reply to | September 8, 2017 at 7:08 pm

      I don’t know about that, the arab muslims have a pretty big appetite for death and destruction, but not much of a stomach to do the fighting themselves. Thus, they support proxies to do the killing for them.