Former pharma boss deemed “danger to society” for wanting strand of Hillary’s hair

I just developed a profound new respect for our judicial system.

The last time we checked on former pharmaceutical titan Martin Shkreli, he had been arrested by the FBI, accused of orchestrating a “trifecta of lies, deceit and greed” related to his hedge fund and pharma business dealings. The move occurred after Shkreli gained notoriety for jacking the prices of life-essential medicines by over 5000% while he was the CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals.

Shkreli was convicted of defrauding hedge fund investors in last month, and may eventually get a sentence of up to 20 years when sentenced. While awaiting sentencing, he made an usual request of his Facebook followers:

Pharma cad Martin Shkreli was decreed a “danger to society” Wednesday and jailed by a federal judge following Facebook posts in which the loudmouth said he’d cough up $5,000 per strand of Hillary Clinton’s hair.Despite a groveling letter from the 34-year-old claiming the social media status was an “awkward attempt at humor or satire,” Brooklyn federal court judge Kiyo Matsumoto revoked his $5 million bond and ordered him thrown behind bars.

The Facebook posts were fairly startling:

“The Clinton Foundation is willing to KILL to protect its secrets. So on HRC’s book tour, try to grab a hair from her,” the Pharma Bro wrote on Monday.“I must confirm the sequences I have. Will pay $5,000 per hair obtained from Hillary Clinton. Payment after the sequence matches. Good luck, patrollers,” he added.

I personally am very troubled by several ethical aspects associated with cloning. Producing many, genetically identical individuals for medical reasons is fraught troubling, unintended consequences.

A VICE Documentary summarizes how cloning is done, for those of you interested in learning about the process.

In my wildest imagination, I never dreamed of the possibility of duplicate Hillary Clintons. I am not the only one:

I am beyond words:

So, many thanks to Judge Kiyo Matsumoto for recognizing the risks!

Tags: Criminal Law, Hillary Clinton